

Ask @bintanghati

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Wdyt about the benefits of learning many languanges?

SweetSugarAnt’s Profile Photoㅤㅤ✨✨ㅤㅤ
It's interesting when we know how to speak using many languages and for sure when we want to travel it's going to be easy to interact with other people.And for me,learning somethin' different is always exciting ! 😁😁
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Antara memori yang korang ingat sampai hari ni? 🌸

Family day bbrpa tahun lepas (I'm not sure the exact tarikh 😂).Seriously tak boleh lupa langsung.How my big big family lenjan masuk ceruk mana just bcs we wanted our own privacy ahhahaha.Bayangkan lebih dri 3 kereta tak kira lgi yg tayar sangkut nak dkt stngh jam dngn sesat tak jumpa jalan😂.
Then kumpul buat barbeque ,main kejar kejar, main udang galah,main hempap hempap time tngh mandi laut sampai lemas tak bernafas lol ahahahahaah ,tidur 😂,masuk hutan mandi air gunung (sbb air mineral hbis nak bersihkan badan.)
Ni semua time masing masing tak busy , tak ada commitment mcm sekarang and time ni pun ambok still gagah lgi nak berjalan and arwah mak still ada lgi :').
How time flies kan ?

Is it possible to stay friends with a person you have loved before?

Yeah possible je unless you make it awkward . Heh .

🔰 *Tausiyatul Qulub* 🔰 🎈"Jika kamu mendapati Allah menahan dunia dan menimpamu dengan kesusahan yang banyak, 🎈Yakinlah kamu seorang yang mulia di sisi-Nya" *[Imam Al-Ghazali Rahimahullah Taala]* #YaumulJum'ah #AlKahfi #SelawatNabi

Thank you 😊

Dalam hidup ni kena belajar dua benda iaitu sabar dan redha. Sabar dengan semua benda yang terjadi. Dan redha apa yang dah jadi. . Muhasabah Diri 🌸💕

Thank you 😊
Liked by: najah

Kinda miss doing this .

Hari ni ,macam selalu aku akan duduk dkt tepi tasik.Selain dari atas bukit, sini tempat fav aku lepak.Aku ketawa kecil bila nampak budak budak kecik yang main dkt sekitar tasik.
Nampak gembira je.
Aku mengeluh.How times flies.Tak sangka aku dah besar.Dah macam macam benda aku hadap.Aku ingat aku dah cukup kuat.Dah cukup kental hati ni.Tapi aku salah.Kuat aku belum cukup.
Sebab bila Tuhan turunkan ujian yang satu ni,aku rasa kekuatan yang aku bina selama ni runtuh macam tu je.
Aku rasa semangat aku berdesup lari.
Aku rasa hidup aku habis macam tu aje.
Kepala aku dongak ke atas.
Tuhan, aku tak kuat.
Sungguh, aku tak kuat.
Liked by: atlas ii

It's International Kiss Day! Whom would you like to kiss right away?

Mamaaaaa.Huhu i really in need for my mom rn. 😢
Liked by: frydx

What do you like to spend money on?

Novels and foods.
I rarely go window shopping for shoes,attires,makeup (so far i only have a lip balm and a compact powder🙈😂).
Liked by: torpe Ana

What are the qualities you like about your best friend?

They will always ada everytime i need them,never stop supporting me,never fail to put smile on my face,always be my happy booster.
They will always be my babies ,my other half and my gojessss gituww 💕💕💕💕
Liked by: AgaraSatan Hajar torpe

Share the moment of you did something "for the first time" in 2017..

Handle a catering untk 1000++ orng .
Ahaha semua my uncle lah ni.He insisted me to do this .Sumpah first buat gelabah gila 😂😂
Ni jelah yg i ingt 😅
Liked by: torpe

Any luahan?

Sabtu dah balik PJ....assignment belum siap....assignment belum siap....assignment belum siap....assignment belum siap....

Rasanya masih belum terlambat untuk ucap selamat hari raya walaupun dah 5 Syawal dah. 🙈 . So, selamat hari raya aidilfitri ya sahabat semua 😊💕 Maaf zahir dan batin 💕🎊🎉🎉 . Jangan lupa singgah rumah 🙈🙈

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri 🙌😆
Liked by: folivoraa

Hi. how's your raya?

Hi there 🙌.
Great !! Dapat makan macam macam 😆(the best part ever.)
And still dapt duit rayaaa from my relatives even dah besau besau belaka 😂😂
*Ans sebelum ni rasa mcm poyo sngt sbb tu tukar kuikuikui*
Liked by: torpe


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