
Not a care in the world

Ask @brainyheart1

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Yeah you're totally right and I'm being dramatic lol The thing is I remember reading somewhere about the effects of using each language vocab and the spiritual and cultural effects that come with them esp due to the fact that not all words necessarily have meanings in others. But yeahh you're right!

mennatallahzain’s Profile PhotoMooncholy
Maybe its more the other way around .. more words can help us widen our perspective about ourselves and the world around us , but i dont know if lesser words can just take away what is already there , there r other ways for that i suppose; a much more complicated ways ..
+3 answers in: “If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?”

Maybe it isn't that stupid? Like when people stop using a word, the act/concept of it also disappears from their society esp if it was an emotion.. isn't that why elders of society are mad youngsters're using other languages and forgetting vocab of their mother tongue?

mennatallahzain’s Profile PhotoMooncholy
The first part is a bit exaggerated dont u think ; i mean cmn if we stopped using the word "angry" for ex does that make anger disappear , wish things were that easy i could lose some pretty damaging and heavy stuff tbh .. 😂
As for the last part i think older generations especially in our region have looked down on younger ones, it is fear , partly self-flatrery, and parlty delusion and its been happening for thousands of years ..
+3 answers in: “If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?”

Why do you think Turkish series are more common amongst girls than boys ?

Cause girls are addicted to pure raw emotions, they r wired that way lmao
, the funny thing is when they try to reverse the process and use more brain they tend to be even more extreme .. 😂😂😂


Language: English