

Ask @chiyoppai

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slim body/ good attitude/ intelectuallism?

Let's have a bit of a math.
Determine how much point you have in relation to how much you're worth. Maximum number is 100.
For instance, your value is 70 (or considered to be above average)
The three category you offered are = Physique / Character / Intelligence.
Now distribute the points you have to your liking, for example:
Physique = 40% / Character = 20% / Intelligence = 10%
Tada! You have your perfect measurement of ideal figure.
But not the perfect anomaly.

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pernah ga lo diposisi lo yang tadinya berkecukupan skarang jadi harus hemat? lo bs hidup sderhana, tapi lo iri ga kalo tmen2 lo masuk univ bagus, luar negeri dll sedangkan lo terpaksa masuk univ yg biasa aja? gw di posisi itu dan gw brpikir gw ga akan sesukses mereka kalo univ gw ga sebagus mrka :(

Kamu masochist non.

What's your favourite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever actually used it on someone?

I don't know, a lot of them were spur of the moment pick-up line I've made myself.
And I've used it all up on my crush.
Well not exactly crush but someone I love platonically.
(( Puasa nahan laper. ))
(( Puasa ga nahan baper. ))

Kak, sbnrnya apa yg salah dgn novel "50 Shades of Grey"?? Sya bnr2 awam soal BDSM, jd sya nikmatin biasa aja novel+filmnya. Mindsetku, sya ambil pov dr BDSM kayak gtu mngkin. Bahasanya emang standar & cerita biasa aja, tp knpa ada smpe segitunya yg gk suka?

To summarize it: BDSM carried out only when both parties have a sufficient understanding and are consenting to the activity. They must have a MUTUAL willingness and agreement.
But not in 50 Shades of Grey. It romanticizes all the while justify the domestic abuse.
Help yourself out by reading this: http://ask.fm/katharania/answer/126808652561

Selamat malam. Jika kalian berada di dalam dunia Disney, karekter apakah yang cocok untuk kalian? Dan juga karakter Disney apa saja yang cocok untuk pengguna askfm lain yang kalian ketahui? Terima kasiiih yaaaa 😆😆😆🌈💕✨

adhimyrp’s Profile PhotoRed Balloon
I asked few close friends and they couldn't think of anything but Scar from Lion King.
I guess most of his traits fits the bill but I don't desire to claim the throne. Would rather be a King's adviser and scheming chaos in the backstage all the while controlling the King.
Oh, if I was assigned to the role of villain, of course.
@TOGERD would be Aurora because baper princess sleeping and waiting for a true love kiss. (( Ya canda tog )).
And here's a bonus of human Scar because, well, let this be Scar appreciation post. (By Yamyo http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2054000 )
Selamat malam Jika kalian berada di dalam dunia Disney karekter apakah yang

ketika kamu meninggal nanti, mau gak nyumbangin organ tubuh kamu untuk orang2 sekarat yang membutuhkan?

Tentu saja. Aku mencoba untuk selalu menjaga kesehatan organ tubuh agar suatu hari nanti aku mati bisa kusumbangkan.
Liked by: kelsycmlia

Hi! Could you please describe your dream bachelor or bachelorette party? Thank you!

But I hate parties. I hate crowds and if I die bury me somewhere remote because cemetery is such a hell of a corpse party.
Liked by: adri

Hi! Let's say you've donated your egg/sperm. If later in life the child wants to know his/her true parentage, would you want to meet him/her?

Yeah, sure. But I don't consider both of us bears any sort of parent-children relationship. It's a bond made throughout the time and effort, not a mere given, genetic relation.

Hello, friends. I'm making an Indonesian neighbourhood on The Sims and I need your help. What do you think are features (buildings, institutions, facilities, shops, people, services) that are important/ideal for a small, suburban town to you?

aditgrimm’s Profile PhotoThe Grand Dementor of Cipete
I think most answers you got have covered the necessary features, but if you ask me, how about traditional Watch Post(Pos Siskamling)? with the nightguards gather around playing chess or cards simply enjoying their togetherness.

Let's say you're running out of space in your hard drive. For some reason, you cannot use external hard drives or transfer the files somewhere else safe. Which kind of files (music, journals, e-books, photos, movies, etc) would you delete first to create space?

The files that are easy to find, mostly musics and movies.
But you know, there's an option to store the files online.
It takes time but it's worth it.
Liked by: Red Balloon Resi

menurut kamu, apa parameter paling utama seseorang disebut "berkualitas"? tolong share pendapatmu

rach_char’s Profile Photochara perdana
Lebih spesifik. Berkualitas dalam segi apa?
Kualitas itu salah satu dari banyak definisi yang abstrak, rancu dan luas jika berdiri sendiri.
Kualitas pribadi?
Kualitas pendidikan?
Kualitas pekerjaan?
Kualitas keluarga?
Kualitas agama?
Kualitas hobi?
Kualitas biolog-- eh, ya pokoknya masih banyak lagi.
Kata 'orang yang berkualitas' itu ambigu dan subyektif penilaiannya bagi setiap individu, lain hal jika dikategorikan dalam segi tertentu agar parameternya lebih konkrit.
Butuh seorang pacar dengan romansa yang berkualitas? parameternya ya, baper.


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