
claire :)

Ask @claireannx

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What is your favourite line from a movie?

I dont knoww who you areee but i will find you and i will kill youuuuuuuuu

If a duck quacks on a quack does the quack cancel the other quack if the quack quacks?

Naahh there will be 2 quacks at the same time :p

lol its not that you can't share, it just makes you look desperate

I'm not imma ta ;) anzi ma nistax nkun iktar kuntenta :) int jekk idejqek xi haga , just kemm tamel unfriend :3 .. but i only post true stuff so yaaaahhhh

Stop sharing Daniel Amos' quotes and shit, they make unrealistic expectations which will only hurt you by believing things such as those posted exist and put most guys into the same basket.

So i can't share what i like now?

Xigifiri ? Mhux int ma tafx xi trid fhajtek ilek thawwad

Jien? Jien ma nafx xirrid? Tajt qalbi l kull min kien fhajti . Biex ara xhadt! Please tamilx konkluzjonijiet qabel ma tkun taf xinu jiggri u manafx xtindahal ifem , ara xinu jiggri fhajtek lewwel qabel tibda tiggudika blamment hah


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