
claire :)

Ask @claireannx

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Salut :) desolé de te déranger mais je vien de crée cet ask pour parler de tout vos problème et ainsi les résoudre. Que cela soit d'amour, famille, depression, mutilation ou autre je suis a ton écoute. Voila voila encors dsl du dérangement et bonne journée ^^

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Hey! You don't know me but I really admire you for starting the diet! I wish that I could be able to start it but its hard when you don't have people to support you! Do you have any suggestions what can i do to start a diet? Keep it up and may you achieve what you have in mind! Take care! xxxx

Omg come chat and dw i don't have any support from home so its extra hard .. hearimg everyday that im getting fat etc... but if you want to lose weight just do it go to a nutritionist or something .. come chat please and thanks xxx

Lol nerdy glasses got old now. . .

Oh so u're telling me that i'm not able to wear whatever i want? Just mind your own business would you?

fuck yu :*

Omg ed nara orange is the new black u pouseyyy ghoda kif qalet *fuck you* greaaatt timing hahaha . And same hi :*

Pretty Pretty please, dont you ever ever feel like you're nothing, you are perfect. to me!!

Thankyou so much :o who are youuu ?


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