
claire :)

Ask @claireannx

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How often do you listen to the radio? What is your favorite radio station?

meta nkun xol jew nkun go karozza :p
89.7 bayy mux ovja <3

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

xhin inqum : wooww xhairstyle ghandi :(
wara liskola ; WAT ? i've been like this the entire day :( ?

What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

my grandma who's up in heaven :) i will never forget that day i took this photo iloveyou xxx

What is your favorite place to meet friends?

Meta nkunu ha niltaqaw l belt manafx ghala fej burger king nejdilhom haha :c

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Ifem hajti tijaj jien naf xirrid hah :)

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

Nhsb meta kont zajra kelli xi 8/9 nhsb ... Kont home alone Beda jhabbat xi hadd il bieb u jsabbat umbat fethu bil mod u jien nibza gol kamra tommi haha u wara ftit jitla hija fuq </3

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

I live day by day. I don't plan for the future :) only god knows where and what im going to be :)

fik daqs alla lol :(

no name so sorry
I dont wake up every fuckin day just to please you 'sabih/a' :))
allinqas andi qalb li naf nirispetta lil haddiehor uehe allura lol xfija imbilli mbacca i respect all of you curvy or skinny ta hij u tkun tid tajdli xi haga ejja sa chat "no name so sorry" ..issa nbilli gejt tinheba wara ask fm ?
Xha tiehu ? Haha :)
Liked by: Meave Borg


Language: English