
claire :)

Ask @claireannx

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Np :)) xxxxxx and ignore those those haters. Hey, nobodys perfect ! x

Mhm I am ignoring them dw :)) ! Yep you are soo right ! Nobody is eccept god xx

You can do it love :) pass by pass .. For an ex: andek aptit xhaga hu xi frotta ikel xi salad jew rice salad jew hekk :)) u mixi qalbii importanti xxx :)) cmon i need to see a facebook status from you that you are losing weight and once again stay strong .. kaay ? :)

Mhm biex ma ngibx skuzi mijej innifsi li mghandix aptit imur nimxi barra ; gibt treadmill fil kamra tijaj soo ehe I will walk :p and yepp I hope I can do this.. A challange with myself .. Thankyou so much for your tips etc xxxx

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You are not fat just a bit curvy !!! You can manage to loose some weight easily....

Mhm I lost 15 kg in 3 months in year 2011 so I know and I can do a diet :)) and thanks for the courage xxx

Pupa :) xx. Your a very cute girl your face is gorgeous and you are too xdont understand as a hate pls But if you start doing some diet you will do good for yourself I'v been bullied and called names i couldnt take it anymore i wasnt happy with my self so i decided to start a diet and i lost 17 kg x

Thankyou so much and yes I know I need to start a diet and I will start as soon aspossible but as I said before .. I dont have ANY courage from friends or family so it is more hard for me to keep my diet as food is my only happiness for a little bit but I will try :) ! And well done pupa :D keep it up xxx

Don`t listen to these idiots, they are just trying to pull you down so that they could be somewhere near you ;)

I'm not trust me .. Im laughing so hard :p .. Iknow that Im fat but to tell me that I have a character like that ... Jider / tider li ma jafnix/tafnix :) thanks xxx

hoxna....kerha..karutru antipatku....xarek ijsu nuddles.....you wasting oxygen in this world

LOOOOOL ilalu man kif fqajtni bid dahk ! Uwejja vera ? Busli sormi xoxo

Name a singer who you really like to listen to. And why?

Hmmm I have so much omg! But one of them is Jessie J that tomorrow is coming to Floriana,Malta to perform at the isle of mtv :D .. I really like Her songs ! Some of them inspire me and I have a favourite song 'Price Tag' that song helped me to loose weight abt 2 years ago. Iknow that it isn't even about weight or somethin haha but it gave me so much energy .. I don't know how haha .. So I like to listen to Jessie J and I have so much others like Selena Gomez and Demi lovato who inspired me aswell.. Hmm Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran , Adele .. There are so much :( !

Opinion about gays?

Oh actually I really admire them ! I mean they have a lot of courage since society is shit and so judgmental nowadays.. I really think they are cute too :) love is blind ... So I don't have anything against them or something x.x

Eww your too full of yourself !

OMG are you being serious right now lool? First of all YOU'RE . Second omg I have low selfesteem issues .. Sometimes I don't fuckin go outside my house just because I don't want people to see me because i'm worried that people will laugh at me or something behind my back .. And you came here to tell me i'm full of myself ? Oh god i'm SURE you don't know me !

Prova oqod daqxejn lura pero urijom li mhux al nies bhalom ha tonqos imma biex int thoss is sudisfazjon :) But you really inspire me the way you stand up for yourself u kif adt int nobody's perfect xx

Mhm iwill try .. U meta nsir naf li hawn anka nies li ma nafx jigu hawn u jinkoragguni wisq naprezza ! I wont let anybody hurt me ! I ve been hurt so much in my life . A bunch of stupid anons won't make me sad or anything haha :) thanks xxxx yes nobody is accept God :)

Claire toqodx tati kas jghidulek in nies u deep inside jekk thoss li ma andek tibda lebda dieta tibdijix toqodx tati kas x jajdulek :) Everyone is beautiful anyways stay strong :) xxx

Lele deep inside anzi nhossni li irrid nibda dieta u nonqos u nigi in shape ! Hafna nixtieq ehh imma andi parti minni stess li meta niekol ghal ftit mumenti ninsa kollox .. Hah umbad iktar ghar ghax inzid ma li ghandi heh .. ekk ijsu likel huwa zvog ghad dwejjaq.. Naf li mhux eda namel tajjeb anzi il kontra ghax iktar kemm niekol iktar nehxien u naqa iktar hazin ..nixtieq li xi darba nhares lej l mera u nara claire Ann li nixtieq nkun ehh :( u thankyou hafna . Li naf hu li nobody's perfect ehh u mandhom lebda dritt jigu jwaqqaw hazin l haddiehor ghaliex huma mhumiex perfeti anqas xxxxx

minn ximkien trid tibda claire :) ibda minn ghada ghid illum se namel 30mins mixi u ibda zid izjed mal granet :) naqqas il helu ukoll. toqghodx tghid mghandix aptit jew hekk..just do it! jekk haga trid taghmila ghamila issa! c: ... u jirnexxilek !..

Mhmm I will try ta .. Imma dix xemx u shana ma jkolok aptit tml xejn -.-....
Man ma kontx naf li hawn daqsekk nies li jimpurthom minni :o haha thankyou so much :) xxxx

ejja claire kuragg :) kont inqast u kont gejt pulita so you have will power xxx

Mhmm mank o di dak iz zmien ehhhh.. Kont kuntenta jahasra :/ thanks so much xxx


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