

Ask @cloanneva

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i am bisexual, and i think you are gorgeous but if i told you who i was you would have the shock of your life :(

Nuthing wrong with that :) aww sweety why would I?

Is it weird I have a girl crush on you but I've never really spoke to you before

That might be a little weird, and why haven't you spoken to me before?!

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Erghhh you're so so so so stunning - I'm too jealous

Your so so so wrong, you'll change your mind once you see me with no make up! Haha! Thanks though :))

Lucky people I wish I had someone as perfect as you in my life

Don't talk shit, I'm far from perfect. Besides you won't want me in your life, I fuck everyone's life up haha

What guys you In to

Funny, caring, nice eyes and smile, not much really.. I'm not a fussy person, they just have to make me smile

What question do you ask yourself a lot?

Why me? Why do I bother? Is everyone's life better if I just disappeared?

You're so sexy I wanna spunk on your tits

That urm, disturbing. You'll never find a girl with that attitude Mr

Heard you were a mess Friday

I heard the same! Hahahaha Ohhh well I don't give a fuck anymore ye :))))

You are such a beautiful person inside and out please dont change for anyone or anything because you are worth so much more

This is so sweet, thank you

chloe i know you, i know what you look like and i know that is your bedroom

It's a picture of someone's legs, so you know what my legs look like compared to everyone else? Hahaha

What have you learned today?

Don't party all day/ night for two days in a row, I'm not that hardcore

Would you prefer a party with a few friends or lots of friends?

After the drama Friday night I'd say a few friends is best like I had last night :)

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Had this question not long ago, come up with some new stuff please


Language: English