

Ask @cloanneva

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he should be ignoring them really yeah, just ignore them all honey:) i get along with him, but he still shouldnt answer them, ask.fm is for wankers to send pathetic messages-.-

Yeah well he can carry on playing this 'big boy' act, I don't care it makes me laugh! Yeaah I'd love for someone to say something to my face :)) haha!

they're just pathetic and nosey :) it's got nothing to do with them no? some people just have no life haha

I know, haha! Oh fuck them! The only thing that's pissing me off.. Actually not pissing me off but upsetting me is that people are asking him questions if I'm suicidal etc and instead of him doing the sensible thing and ignoring them he's answering them! Its noones fucking business!! He's doing it on purpose to hurt me, good thing I blocked and deleted him :))) cunt

Tom and yours askfms are only about each other, fuck sakes, thats all i see on this thing, annoying

Hahahaha it is annoying yeah, I feel your pain! He's an ex for crying out loud, I don't want anything to do with him and I'm sure he wants nuthing to do with me so why do people still ask me stuff about him -.-

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That's a very hard question

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For people to stop asking my ex personal questions about me, for him to stop answering him, for people to mind their own fucking business and a massage wouldn't be so bad

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Obviously not going to say on here, if many people don't know it there's a reason for that


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