

Ask @cloanneva

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Wow actually thinking bout it! Ha knew you would, heard things bout u!

No you fucking idiot I just wanna know who you are! Omgggggggg -.- oh yeah, what things?

Ur secret admirer bbe ;) sexier, bigger, fitter and better than your bf in every way!

Your* ;)! Well tell me who you are then?

Cum to me if u ever want a real man ;)

And you are? Btw learn to spell, its come* not cum and its babes* not bbz

Ha, the only way u show that u love him is by saying u been with him for so long, that's all u got bbe?

What? No! I love him because of many reasons believe me! What's your fucking problem anyway, why don't you just stay out of my relationship! Interfering bastard

Using him 4 somethin, you must be bored of that twat by now bbe admit it!

Hahaha sorry 'bbe' I'm not like that, I'd rather be single and lonely than be with someone I don't love, also why would I use one guy for so long? If I was using him I would of left him long ago and found other guys yeah? But nope I havnt done that because 1. I'm not a slut 2. I truly love him 3. I don't need anyone else in my life!

he just a lanky cunt anyway! Like you realy love him!

And I'm guessing your a short person who's jealous right :) .. Why would I be with someone for so long that I didn't love hm?

So your motto is what happened's in Egypt stays in Egypt

Hell no! I love making my friends and boyfriend jealous with stories of what's happened :D

doesnt Egypt smell?

No! .. Well saying that 50% of the time I'm there I'm 30m under water and the other 50% I'm drunk..


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