

Ask @cloanneva

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What is the most important thing in being a good friend?

Don't bullshit about each other, if you tell them something they keep it to themselves

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That's a complete lie!!! Masturbation is like farting, everyone does it but girls like to pretend they don't....

I admit I fart, hahaha I'm not a lady with my manners believe me. But I actually don't finger myself

I am going to Sharm El-Sheikh this summer we should probably meet

Well I do not know who you are or what you look like so the chances of that are very slim

Favourite film?

I have many, the films I can watch over and over is 'lovely bones' 'gone' 'taken' 'step up' '8mile' 'twilight'

Feel so sorry for you, getting so much shit for cheating on tom, when he was a dirty little cheater not only that he didnt even have the decency to admit it.

I don't need anyone's sympathy, it entertains me hahah! Yeah that is was I've heard, he just wants everyone to feel sorry for him and that he's a good Little boy!

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

The next tattoo I'm getting is my brothers name and dob, but not sure where yet

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Sky dive, cage diving with great white sharks, fly in a helicopter

What is your opinion about Muslims?

Theirs nuthing bad about them? They have a heart, soul and mind, the same as everyone else. Why should I have a different opinion on them becaus their Muslim? I go to Egypt every year since I was 12 and to the same place where I have made friends with some lovely/funny Muslims!


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