

Ask @cloanneva

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Were you still together around christmas? Cause i saw him with a blonde girl :/

Yes it was likely to be his mate :)

I think you should cheer up and stop wasting time thinking about the past and have a look what is in front of you, this lad can't be all that and there is always a lad who will treat you better :) smile

Aww thanks hunny :))

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

Never. It may only happen if one fancies the other but won't tell

How do men understand ‘romance’?

They don't, that's the problem. They may think they do but it's nuthing a girl really wants. They rely too much on romantic films which is a shame

Do you like JB?

Justin Bieber? I'm not a fan, his songs are catchy though and I find myself sing along to them at times

Why do you regret trusting people?

You trust people tell them stuff and they take the puss or tell other people or people that you think are close to you will make up shit about you just for banter

Do you regret the things you've done in the past? If so, what are they?

I do, I regret hurting people's feelings, I regret being moody 99% of the time and I regret trusting people


Language: English