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Drabble of Kai watching dating alone

jongin chews on his blanket anxiously as chanyeol fidgets in his seat on screen, confession on the tip of his tongue.
"i-" chanyeol begins, looking as nervous as jongin feels. chanyeol leans closer to the camera and jongin feels a rush to his brain so fast he gets a little dizzy.
then the door swings open and jongin quickly slams his laptop shut.
"are you watching porn?" kyungsoo asks, squinting at jongin. "because i'll leave you alone."
"yes," jongin blurts out. it's so much easier to explain than the clenching feeling in his stomach when he watches chanyeol gently brush the girl's hair away, and jongin has never been more thankful for kyungsoo's bad eyesight.
kyungsoo shrugs and tosses the box of tissues over. "knock yourself out."
"hyung, GET OUT!" jongin yelps in mortification and kyungsoo lets himself out with a smirk.
the tissues lie mockingly in front of him.
jongin hesitates. and grabs a tissue.

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Liked by: marcel

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would you date someone you meet in a club?

if you're going to stick your tongue down my throat within 10 seconds of us meeting, i'm going to assume the both of us aren't looking for anything serious u___u
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So, based on ur intuition, is there other member who also has gf?

shrugs i want to believe everyone in exo is getting laid on the daily because dayum if they aren't, what a shame. maybe yixing. he is 🔥🔥🔥 lately
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Why do u think Chanyeol has girlfriend?

idk can't quite explain it. intuition? also he's been a bit prissy lately and has been holding back on fanservice, tho someone else pointed out that pcy has never been a touchy man unless the person he's touching is a member
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wdyt about: Chankai Lukai Xiukai Kaisoo Kriskai Kaibaek Chenkai Kaixing Sekai Taokai Sukai

yo anon you might as well ask what i think about every person nini is in contact with *^* every one of those are yestps except for taokai, kaisoo and kaixing!
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Yes kai is shy/awkward but not that shy/awkward. He has this fire, sensuality, boyish recklessness and intensity in him even off stage that completely disappear in chankai fics. He becomes too docile and too dull.

i like it when they play up the whole kai on stage jongin off stage thing but i see where you come from. but at least chankai fic has a more balanced jongin compared to the other ships. the mean jongin in kaisoo and kailu has me shuddering
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I always feel like kai doesnt like/get along with chanyeol?

i'm possibly the second biggest chankai shipper out there (third, maybe, after karen and ang) so i reaaaally can't answer this. they're not super close but they definitely hang out?
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Why out of all kai pairings, kai in chankai fics seems the most out of character? It doesnt sound like kai/jongin at all?

what's your jongin headcanon? my headcanon is of him being awkward and shy so most chankai fics work for me.
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Hm I don't want to start an argument or ruin your mood or anything, so I'll just leave this here? It's a tweet I kind of agree with. https://twitter.com/bulletprooftao/status/584435781835423744 You don't need to reply, honestly, I just thought differently on the matter and wanted to share.

it's okay. these are issues that bring out different reactions in different people. i expected some disagreement when i posted that tweet. we can use the culture card and say that we (i say we, because i was brought up in a similar culture as exo) were taught that same sex relationships are wrong and it explains his (and yixing's) strong reaction to the notion that they would date a man.
still, that's internalised homophobia to me, and you can disagree with that.
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Ferret boy pcy who had no friends cuz he's bullied for being fat and those brats said he looked like a ferret. Then he met jongin, shy boy who sudeenly stood up for him and told the bullies that Chanyeol was beautiful in his own way

"i can't keep saving you like this," jongin sighs, using his handkerchief to wipe the remains of ketchup off chanyeol's cheek. kibum, the mean kid from the class over had threatened chanyeol to get the ferret out of sight or have a face full of hot dog. chanyeol chose his ferret. "you know kibum's allergic to fur."
"but cupcake gets lonely at home," chanyeol pouts and pats his ferret, who snuggles deeper into chanyeol's backpack.
"why don't you ever stand up for yourself?"
chanyeol peers over his thick glasses and blinks, "how?"
"find better friends," jongin says softly, fingers still brushing softly over chanyeol's cheek.
"no one wants to be friends with me." chanyeol hold out his palm and cupcake rests her head on it.
jongin opens his mouth to protest but decides to let it slide. "let's go home yeah?"
they walk home quietly, until a few shouts catch their attention. hidden in an alley, they see a group of older boys surrounding kibum, one of them holding a scared kibum up by his collar.
"let's leave them alone," chanyeol urges, not wanting more attention.
"but he looks like he's in danger?" jongin says worriedly. "what if he gets hurt?"
"jongin," chanyeol says, voice suddenly low. "watch my back."
before jongin can react, chanyeol has leaped out.
"hey, scram! i've got a knife!" chanyeol yells. everyone swings around with widened eyes and chanyeol sticks out a sharp lump. jongin feels his heart leap to his throat but that's oddly familiar?
scared, the bullies scamper off, muttering about crazy kids.
it's then that a confused cupcake wriggles out of the scarf. with her pointed nose, it's easy to see how the bullies could've mistaken her as a sharp object.
relieved, chanyeol whirls around to grin at jongin and jongin finally, finally can breathe again.
"hey park," kibum calls out. chanyeol's shoulders turn rigid, expecting another insult, but kibum smiles shakily instead. "that was pretty cool of you. i'm sorry... for today."
jongin rests a hand on chanyeol back and curls his fingers, and he doesn't have to look to know chanyeol's smiling back.

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Liked by: purrrrrrr

Are you proud or ashamed of being exo-l?

why would i be ashamed? my fandom doesn't represent all of me. i'm not ashamed of liking something that makes me happy. besides, who cares what random people think about my choice of a BOYBAND. the weight of their accusing words isn't mine to bear.
Liked by: Malay

What if Chankai became a sub-unit? Wdyt it'd be?

my dream ㅠㅠㅠ it'll be a infinite h r&b/hiphop kind of thing with chanyeol rapping and crooning and jongin kinda rapping and kinda singing BUT THERE'LL BE SEXUAL TENSION LOTS OF IT A LOT OF BODY WAVES? SEXY DANCING WITH LADIES MAYBE A SONG ABOUT FRIENDS OVER CHICKS AND THEY RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET IN AN OPEN CAR
then the next comeback they can go D&E and break out this club number with a silly hop hopping dance move and they'll be so HAPPY
Liked by: purrrrrrr

then how about wyf and lu?

well they were my #2 and #3 before they left.
i believe wyf is a genuinely sweet guy that just fell in the k-idol life because it was the only escape he had. he matured too fast and knows exactly what he wants, knows that that k-idol life will continue to be shitty to him because sm will never learn to stop playing favourites. then he was offered a new chance, and he took it. shitty for the team but a smart (? we're still pending on this) investment for himself.
lu han's overly naive to the point where he felt betrayed (?) by how different idol life turned out to be and started feeling resentful and he probably can be easily swayed by anything promising a better future. he makes it clear that he's not in it for the long run and it's probably easier to walk away from c-ent, his home turf
i am projecting btw

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Liked by: purrrrrrr

I only really love platonic biff kaisoo atm tbh

is kaisoo still happening? it's like jongin has a new boy toy (ie. chanyeol hyung who plays with him) so kaisoo just suddenly screeched to a stop
Liked by: dante

fuck jongin or tuck jongin in

narrows my eyes at you how dare you bring back the chicken or egg question. this is a trick question no one could possibly have the answer to this
Liked by: RRRAWOX

when you said bye ficdom does that mean you won't be reading fics either??

i lost interest in fics months ago. no drive to read or write anymore. i haven't actively read fic in months, unless someone links me things. I STILL SHIP CHANKAI THO SO I AM VERY OPEN TO READING ALL DA CHANKAI. LINK ME CHANKAI.
Liked by: YY

you seem so free ._. you're always online

i work two jobs to pay rent, study full time, organised biweekly events for a 200-strong student club and volunteer as a tutor. i'm only free because i don't sleep. and make bad life decisions.
Liked by: YY


Language: English