

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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What's your favorite fic?

i wish i had a fic rec so i could go back and refer ;; i won't talk about fics i mentioned before. and this will be just a short list because i can't remember anything else.
♔ eldorado: the city of lost gold | setty94
♔ curledupkitten's camera (shy) !!! POSSIBLY MY FAVOURITE EVER !!!
♔ apennyofseoul's supernova | chaptered fic
♔ horrours' cataclysmic and confected | miia has one of the most spot on and distinct humour i've seen
♔ kiwism's kicked to the curb | just that whole kaisooho arc, actually
can i talk about non-exo too because \o/
♔ morago's smile and nod (the foreign teeth edition) http://morago.livejournal.com/3661.html | because doojoon and taecyeon crossover! doojoon and taecyeon body switcheroo!
♔ white wire's drowning in you http://dandyboys.livejournal.com/496.html | hoya/dongwoo

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Liked by: GeeBaby

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Who do you think would be a good listener in EXO and why?

Joonmyun, I guess. He seems like such a genuinely sincere guy, and even if he wasn't interested, he would probably pretend to be.
Joonmyun is interesting because you can see the obvious struggle between his image and his true self, and I think the struggle would still be present even if he wasn't a public figure.
Liked by: GeeBaby

imagine the possibilities, you get to see jongin scratch his butt everyday and also get to pounce on him

nico oppa
i will scratch his butt for him. i am a very helpful panda, always ready to tend to his every need
Liked by: nico oppa

did you know the two pandas currently in singapore are called jia jia and kai kai. what if your spirit and jongin's reside in them and both of you eat bamboo shoots and sleep everyday and everyone will try to make both of you mate bc extinction

nico oppa
Liked by: nico oppa

Favourite word + least favourite word?

favourite: fluctuation! because it's so nice to say.

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three EXO members, which three would you choose and why?

JONGIN FOR PURELY SCIENTIFIC REASONS. also if the world ends and we need to procreate, we need the best genes possible.
kris because he seems like someone who would protect us
luhan because we need to lift the pretty factor of the island /somehow/

HOW TO WHEN PICK YOU UP WHEN "When I look at you, my Metapod can't get any harder."

well i'll just turn into nurse joy and heal you right up :D
Liked by: nico oppa

My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together.

nico oppa
psst i looked into our future and it involves me pushing you into the merlion's mouth
Liked by: nico oppa

did you like my taejin porn

it was unsatisfactory. you obviously slacked on it. i demand a three page essay elaborating the situation, size 12 font, double spaced. send it to me by friday.


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