

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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what is your headcanon for exo?

remember that headcanon is basically fanfiction, so please don't take offense u____u
jongin: jongin hates being in the spotlight. he loves performing, has a different light in his eyes when the music starts, but he hates being pushed to the center and asked to "perform". he auditioned to dance, not to learn how to smile and pose and make funny pr-friendly reactions. but he's learning to adapt and adjust to his skin. still, silvers of annoyance show through the cracks.
luhan: "the idol life is harder than i thought." simple idolization brought him to korea despite his parents objecting but drowning himself in the endless schedules helps him to forget about his shaky familial relationships. he's eternally frustrated with his appearance and it becomes his biggest complex because no one looks past the pretty. sometimes he just wishes he was born normal.
kris: he auditioned out of desperation. it seemed like a way out, it seemed /easy/ at first, but it soon became apparent that trainee life wasn't as easy as he thought. he may not be the most talented member, but he got to this spot today with sheer determination. when he remembers how hard it was, it makes him want to protect his members more.
minseok: minseok may seem like the most nonchalant member, but it's only because he's too humble. he's willing to step back and let someone else shine. it speaks volumes about his self esteem. he's so used to being shafted, second best that it becomes second nature to hide.
baekhyun: baekhyun planned it from the start. he was always a character born to attract attention. class clown, the funny one in the group, popular among ladies, baekhyun basks in attention. it's easy to forget that baekhyun worked his ass off to /be/ popular. vocal lessons, extra dance practice, countless hours in front of the mirror. his life is a carefully choreographed show.
joonmyun: joonmyun has tried so long at building up a nice image that it is now who he is. 7 years of trainee life has chipped away at his confidence but he hides it with a smile that everyone can see through. everything he says and does goes through a mental filter: would sm approve?
chanyeol: he's a crafty one but mainly he's just a big doofus. he speaks and acts without thinking and gains a few enemies along the way but that's alright because life's a game! you win some lose some. it's too quiet in here, let's shake it up! so what if he's annoying; at least he's /fun/

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Do you believe in life after death?

my theory of life is that reincarnations exist, but there is no heaven or hell (i was not brought up to believe in a God or a place of sin). there are simply souls that go through many, many lifetimes. when a person dies, his soul enters another body being born. eventually, a soul will exhaust itself and wither away, and a new soul will replace it.
a little of your old lifetime is retained in your new life. this explains why some people are intelligent and wise- because they have the weight of lifetimes of knowledge on their shoulders and have seen it all before. and why some people are unbelievably dumb- it's their first few lifetimes; they're learning, testing out their shoes. it also explains deja vu, people who dream in languages they can't speak, the sudden dislike you feel upon seeing some strangers, and the notion of love at first sight. i have a very long, drawn out theory about this *^*

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what is your headcanon for exo? pt 2

yixing: yixing spent his childhood forcing himself into a character that he wasn't, until he lost pieces of himself. he doesn't really know himself but is perfectly happy to drift along until he finds it. all he knows is that he loves to dance, and for now, that's enough.
kyungsoo: don't let the size fool you. kyungsoo is a true man. people underestimate him because of his face, but one glare is enough to make the members submit. he's strong willed and won't hesitate to cut anyone down if they annoy him. idol life isn't a game; it's a competition. sometimes it frustrates him how easily the others take life and he /tries/ to let loose, but he's spent his life tightly wound up, it's hard to change.
tao: tao is a naive boy who signed up to be an idol because it seemed fun but was cut down by the harsh reality. he is sensitive, outspoken and perhaps too innocent but still clings to brotherhood and blind hope.
sehun: sehun is one of those people who just BECAME an idol. he was scouted and that was cool, so why not? ever since he was born, sehun is given everything he wants, so he's used to half assing his way through everything. being an idol forces him to grow up too quickly and leaves him confused and with a sexual identity crisis. he gets over this by clinging to his friendships and to the members, because even if he can't understand himself, at least they can.
jongdae: when he imagined fame, he would've pictured a three-man vocal group or a solo debut, but that's okay, exo works as well. china isn't the ideal but jongdae believes that one day he'll end up back in korea. optimism is the only way he can survive, and he tries to keep a happy front with everything. everyone in the industry is so /uptight/; someone needs to stir shit up.

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Please write a letter to your bias of any group

dear jongin,
puppy child, i want to fly you to the moon and pick you all the stars, but you would probably be alarmed because supernovas are like massive confetti explosions and you're easily startled with confetti.
i will settle for fervently wishing that you'd get laid instead. with luhan, with a fair, long haired girl of 46.85kg, with me, it doesn't matter. i hope you'll get some.
hearteu hearteu

If EXO weren't idols, what do u think the right job for each of them?

jongin - supreme puppy protector (physical education teacher that all the girls have a crush on) or a zoologist (same thing). park ranger?
jongdae - insurance salesman or event planner or tour guide
baekhyun - if baekhyun doesn't go into marketing it'll be a loss to the business world. he would make a kickass pr person. or damn, baekhyun would make an AMAZING publicist.
chanyeol - trainer at a rock climbing/extreme sports theme park
minseok - film producer or advertising copywriter. i could see him as a programmer too.
yixing - make up artist! art gallery curator!
sehun - hairstylist or florist
joonmyun - takes over daddy's company, complete with chaebol angst (i want to be free, not tied down!!!). maybe becomes a paralegal at daddy's law firm.
kyungsoo - accountant. i think kyungsoo would make a really good auditor/account. or an urban landscaper! industrial designer!

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EXO members as fathers

chanyeol - sits on his child accidentally, apologizes, tosses kid in air, drops kid, hides bruise with wool hat
joonmyun - soft father who overcompensates. "i love all you snuggle pumpkins so much" "dad stop embarrassing us" "will u love me more if i gave u 30 dollars for pizza"
jongin - he would love the IDEA of kids. would stare at little baby dollies and toys, but when he gets a kid, he doesn't know how to handle them
kyungsoo - overbearing, no nonsense. "i said bed. NOW."
baekhyun - i feel like he wouldn't like kids that much. they're okay... but i'll love from a distance.
tao - tao would remember everything that he regretted about his own life and try to fix it for his children.
sehun - sehun would be super awkward around his daughter and kind of smother her but wouldn't care that much about his son. "boys will be boys, run free but IS THAT SKIRT TOO SHORT"
luhan - no kids please
jongdae - that cool but useless dad. mom is bad cop, dad is good cop.
kris - firm and strict, but understanding
yixing - yixing would respect his kids and speak to them like adults, not children. he would reason with them and explain everything instead of those bullshit "kids come from storks" stories

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Liked by: hyun J Cindy shall we

why do you like lukai?

behold tinhatting.
i like their quiet rapport, how they aren't overly clingy and obvious like some ships are. they have a muted friendship, shown not through loud expressions of love (*cough*sukai*cough) but little gestures when they think no one is watching. they have a secret handshake (http://24.media.tumblr.com/f93e3c1628ade338bea3f0f3d7a6f095/tumblr_mh2hmvOsSG1rp1i2ro1_250.gif) how adorable is that! most lukai moments are captured during the moments when they are unguarded- a quick slap behind the scenes, a playful punch during a breather, hidden touches and exchanged grins. that makes it all more real to me; they're not doing it for the camera.
i like the tension that exists between them, how jongin sometimes seems annoyed at luhan when luhan gets playful. how can the word UST go unnoticed in a description of kailu? in the many moments when they stand together, sometimes a gaze sizzles.
i like the contrast between them, the more feminine features that luhan tries to hide and the sharp ruggedness of jongin. i like it how luhan has to crane his head slightly when he looks at jongin, and revel in the fact that jongin once was shorter than luhan.
my headcanon of the both of them is that they're uncomfortable with being the "face" and being pushed into the light. attention is crushing when it turns into pressure. other members might take issue if they ever complained about it though, and no one knows the predicament better than each other. it's nice to have someone ground you when the whole world worships you.

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Liked by: tie Khal Drogo J emmi

Which Disney princess would each EXO member be?

Cinderella - luhan (wouldn't he be one to break curfew?)
Snow White - minseok (dumb ((kind)) enough to eat a stranger's apple)
Aurora - sehun (because he WOULD fall asleep for 600 years)
Ariel - jongdae (give up the most precious thing to you- your voice. except jongdae ain't down with that shit)
Belle - joonmyun (smart and pretty. nuff' said)
Jasmine - jongin (he would have a taste for adventure and fall in love with the unknown)
Pocahontas - yixing (china holds dear to him)
Mulan - tao (only one i think could save china but lbr, it's /tao/)
Tiana - kyungsoo (chef kyungsoo??)
Rapunzel - baekhyun (bitch would throw his hair down to pull men up tbh)
Merida - chanyeol (tumbling around with arrows and crazy hair, that's chanyeol's thing)

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what's ur opinion on kris, luhan, tao, yixing personality?

yifan - i think he's a very mature and capable man that has carefully laid out plans for everythinh. all well meaning, but it doesn't always go his way. yifan is an opportunist and a naturally born socializer. he knows how to build the right connections and wins hearts all by being genuine and nice and maybe with a little flattery. and i think... that sometimes when he's alone, he wonders if this flashy wu yifan is truly him or someone he constructed and molded into the perfect being?
lu han - lu han's just a bit lost. my headcanon is that he really has no foresight and took a misstep into the ent industry because it seemed like a good idea then but fuck, he's stuck. and he's not too keen on being a star but it's all he knows so he's content being packaged, instructed, shuttled from place to place, movie to endorsement, as long as he gets a little quiet space. he's probably someone who opens up to only a select few people and in his free time just lies around dozing off.
yixing - yixing's a smart one. i think he's almost like chanyeol, cunning in the sense that he knows how to play the crowd, knows exactly what image to best portray to come across as likable. but he also sticks to his principles and stands up for what he thinks is right, so he's still so humble and a sweetheart. but sometimes those principles get in the way of the right thing to do.
tao: child. tao is easily swayed by other people's words and he's emotionally vunerable. heart on his sleeve, reacts before he thinks, emotions over logic etc. but he reflects on things a lot and overthinks everything. once again, he's emotionally charged so he can be persuaded into a lot of things- flashy cars, temptations, freedom...

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Let's say you have to give each member of EXO a good role for Nini. Which one is....which? For example: caring hyung, father, bestbud etc etc now i'm curious

minseok is the really cool guy next door who takes jongin to the swings at park as a kid and then lets him tag along to the skateboard park when they're older
joonmyun is his mother's friend's son from church and they try to be friends but they're just so awkward
yixing once saved jongin from being locked in all night at the dance studio after jongin fell asleep behind the curtains and they became casual dance partners
sehun is the best friend for life but they kinda communicate in grunts and giggles only
tao and jongin met in the tutoring classes because tao is still new to korean and jongin keeps skipping class to dance
kyungsoo is jongin's lab partner but jongin's a little afraid of him because he's seen kyungsoo dissect a frog with more satisfaction than necessary
baekhyun is that friend that everyone has only because it's impossible not to be friends with someone as loud as him
chanyeol is the guy who convinces jongin to skip his first class, gives jongin his first drink of beer and teaches jongin that he should never, ever trust a boy with a nice smile
i think i digressed

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i know you dislike baekhyun but what do you think about baeyeon?

i beg for exo fans to stand behind baekhyun. you don't have to excuse his behaviour, you don't have to defend him. you just need to be there and support him because if you turn against him, you're effectively turning against exo.
this is not like kris's case. you can't change a part of the choreo and give a few measly lines of rap to someone else. kris is important to exo but baekhyun is INDISPENSABLE to exo. he literally sings half their songs. he is on half of the schedules. he has (had?) the most fans. he was one of the main reasons why exo was so popular. (switched to past tense for obvious reasons OTL) whether you like him or not, unless someone in exo magically develops a nice singing voice, or you enjoy seeing sehun or jongin struggle with high notes, we need baekhyun.
i admit that i am not on baekhyun's side. i don't like baekhyun and i never liked taeyeon. for the longest time, he ignited such strong negative feelings in me i actually felt nauseous just looking at him. so i feel no disappointment or betrayal. i just desperately want exo to survive and for them to go on, we need baekhyun. if we stand behind him instead of turning our backs, can't we hope that this can blow over faster?
you don't like baekhyun? fine. hate him for the questionable behaviours, hare him for being human, but support him for the sake of the other 10. haven't they suffered enough?

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what do you think the individual exo members smell like?

jongin - cinammon, boy sweat and dark chocolate
luhan - aftershave and strawberries and mints
minseok - coffee and fresh linen
tao - chanel no 5
kris - secondhand embarrassment
joonmyun - aqua shampoo and old spice and money
sehun - baby powder and candy
kyungsoo - fabric softener
jongdae - cookies and cake and tea
baekhyun - idk man
chanyeol - sweat, cigarette smoke and something musky
yixing - cotton and rose
Liked by: Khal Drogo tie jiaqi

baeksoo ouo!!!!

i'm going to soulmate au this just because.
they meet in a bar brawl when baekhyun accidentally spills a shot all over kyungsoo while being too rowdy and kyungsoo is already in bad mood so he grabs baekhyun's collar but ofc the red thread chooses that moment to appear between their wrists, intwining their fates together.
baekhyun is still grinning stupidly at their wrists and kyungsoo wants to wipe that grin off except considering the current ... circumstances his mind helpfully supplies a few other ways he could shut baekhyun up.
then the next week baekhyun shows up at kyungsoo's house like oops got kicked out please take me in, soulmate! kyungsoo leaves him begging outside in the cold and only opens the door when baekhyun starts singing beyonce songs loudly and kyungsoo hears his neighbours starting to yell complaints
baekhyun worms his way into his life and under his skin until one day kyungsoo catches himself adding fruit loops to his basket instead of his usual bran because baekhyun made a comment about wanting to try it.
before this, they've just lived as normal roommates, though baekhyun keeps trying to bring up the soulmate thing and kyungsoo pretends he doesn't see the hurt in baekhyun's eyes every time he brushes baekhyun off.
so he goes home and throws the box of cereal in baekhyun's face. "here's your stupid diabetes recipe. and baekhyun, let's try."
baekhyun frowns. "diabetes?"
"no, being soulmates."
and baekhyun tackles kyungsoo so hard his head hits the wall and kyungsoo has a bruise that lasts a week.

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Liked by: beah oks chels

Exo members teach jongin how to selfie properly

jongdae: listen, jongin. the best pose is the duck face, you see, so do it for every. single. photo.
baekhyun: i'll teach you!! /15 mins later/ "um, baekhyun hyung all you've been doing is ignoring me and taking pictures of yourself."
chanyeol: ya you just wink and do a quick v like that yeah? and you- jongin, are you... twitching? um... maybe no wink, just the V? JESUS FUCK YOU JUST POKED ME IN THE EYE
sehun: oh, easy. you just take the top half of your face. that settles your worries about what to do with your mouth.
joonmyun: why do you need to take selfies, jongin? you don't need reaffirmation from others to know that you're a confident, beautiful person, okay? it doesn't matter how you take the photo because you are wonderful throughout. don't care about how others view you!
minseok: dude you just point and shoot. see? .... oh shit wait maybe i shouldn't have uploaded the shirtless photo. do i need clearance for this? where is manager hyung?
kyungsoo: teach you? no, i have better things to do. .... ... okay, come here. first you hold the camera at an angle and-

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Your take on sekai be completely honest and unbiased. What do you think of sekai and their dynamics?

mmm i think it was always more of a case of jongin liking sehun a bit more as a friend. they were close because they've been together in the same school and were trainees together but jongin probably tried a bit harder.
and then sehun's tastes starting changing, started getting a bit bolder and more daring and jongin still lives in his oversized shirts and ratty jeans. naturally, sehun sought out zitao, who shares his same taste in the flashy and gaudy and maybe jongin sometimes wonder why they don't talk anymore.
i think they're the kind of friends now that don't need to talk every day but are still tight because of shared history. except jongin still doesn't understand why sehun needs to buy that expensive car and sehun doesn't get why jongin carries around /paper bags/

How would you explain color to a blind man?

you know how the a child's laughter gives you a different emotion from the rumbling boom of thunder, or how the twinkling of bells on a wind chime brings to mind breezy sunday afternoons? colour is like that. it adds flavour, defines tone.
blue is the trickle of a stream, both through the creek and down your cheeks. green is the smell of freshly cut grass and the first bite into a crisp granny smith. red is the knot in your throat as you listen to your lover sing, and the clench of your fist as your temper flares. yellow is the feel of sun on your skin and the sand between your toes but it can't be confused with the warmth of orange as the fireplace crackles and releases its warmth. purple is the feel of satin slipping past your fingers and the deep chime of a grandfather's clock hitting midnight. and lastly pink is the blush creeping up your neck when someone compliments you and the small curls of contentment in your chest when your mother holds you close. that is colour.

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Liked by: Merran Khal Drogo

What do you do to entertain yourself?

oh usually i read homoerotic fanfiction about my favourite male idols boning each other, or choking each other? and like stuffing cat tail plugs up asses or whatever. and sometimes i knit.
Liked by: Khal Drogo bluu

top five most adorable kai photos (motherly feels kind of thing)? GOOD LUCK HOHO

Liked by: emmi gres

don't you feel bad for joining every new fandom and then abandoning them for fresh blood?

honey, i'm a working age adult who spends all my free time on the internet crying over younger boys. at this point, who cares?
just for kicks, here are some answers for you to choose from
b) i am dedicated to all fandoms, new and old?? my "shortest" fandom ever was beast, at two years. and i actually buy all my music legally. can you say the same?
c) it's my life what's it to you
d) boys are fucking hot and if they're parading themselves for us, then don't mind if i do
e) exo fandom is terrible. ain't no party like a nugu party, yo. don't hate it till you try it.
Liked by: Khal Drogo 月儿

what do you think is the prettiest language?

no language can ever beat the beauty of mandarin. the poetic flow of an ancient tongue is impossible to translate. or if you're talking about languages i can't speak, japanese is incredibly beautiful!
Liked by: Cindy adrina

Dedicate a song to each EXO member. (Aka share with us some music recs!)

most dedications based on lyrics. links provided are english subbed.
joonmyun - epik high's over http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nU
for the seven year trainee
tao - 2wins's star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_A5tZz9pTUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 v_A5tZz9pTUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 v_A5tZz9pTU
jongin - lee seokhun's 10 reasons to love you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQCRVRkeWWQcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 OQCRVRkeWWQcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 OQCRVRkeWWQ
i love him so much
kris - e.via's oppa can i do it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE20W1V3uSEcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 zE20W1V3uSEcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 zE20W1V3uSE
self-explanatory. let me climb you like a tree.
luhan - tasha's memories http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8o66nl-C2wcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 g8o66nl-C2wcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 g8o66nl-C2w
jongdae - tacopy's you're cute but i want to hit you http://whisperedsymphony.tumblr.com/post/8688885015/ta-copy-youre-cute-but-i
click the link to read the lyrics to jongdae's life anthem!!
kyungsoo - younha's people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtfZrGSXyjococoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 EtfZrGSXyjococoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 EtfZrGSXyjo
he seems a little tired of life but tomorrow's always a better day
chanyeol - supreme team's supa lady http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czMAwrf7XVYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 czMAwrf7XVYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 czMAwrf7XVY
my favourite supreme team song EVER.
baekhyun - one more chance's thinking of you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVduMA5IQIkcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 TVduMA5IQIkcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 TVduMA5IQIk
this song will fit his timbre so well.
yixing - kim jongkook's lovable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21QyZyoflsYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 21QyZyoflsYcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 21QyZyoflsY
because it's true
minseok - clazziquai's tell yourself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SZ72hbaVr8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 -SZ72hbaVr8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 -SZ72hbaVr8
baby, feel right in your own skin
sehun - glam's party xoxo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qrtt-7sXX8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 6Qrtt-7sXX8cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 6Qrtt-7sXX8
"are you a guy or a girl? i don't care!"

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cocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nUcocoonedsoul’s Video 103795458701 vwKiGy2A_nU
Liked by: emmi

if you were an exo member, who would you be and why?

i want to be oh sehun because it must be great to have all the hyungs dote on you. and he does all this bratty shit and gets away with it! it's okay to sniff your hyung's jacket too...
also i want to know how it feels to live with a big dick
Liked by: Cindy hyewon KC


Language: English