

Ask @demielliottx

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post a picture with your bestfriend and write a paragraph about themmmmm

well, she's a weirdo, she's gay, she's annoying, but I couldn't care less! She's my bestfriend, well more like a sister tbh! She never fails to make me smile or laugh. She has to be one of the best things in my life, whenever I'm upset I can just go to her, tell her why and even when I'm happy I have to tell her everything and I know she keeps it quiet! My family love her, well obviously seen as though we took her on holiday haha, you're a little faggot hol but I really couldn't live without you I guess, I love you

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what goes through your mind a lot?

why do I love him
why did I love him
why am I upset
why am I always sad
who are my real friends
why am I not good enough
why am I crying
I miss him
I love him
why am I so stupid
I'm an idiot
I fuck myself off
this is too hard
why am I so thick
yeah lots
Liked by: kay

I WILL COME OUT WHEN I DONT HAVE 2 BE IN AT FRICKING 5 O CLOCK LMAO, Nd thnx demi u r 2 lmao, nd i would do them again lmao

haha bless ya

im god as well as laura so take ur pick

well lozrat, we used to be bestfriends, you're hilarious lolol, we've had some right good memories, which I don't think both of us would do now lmaoo, you're really pretty but we aren't close anymore fs, come out sometime yeye? Always here ly
Liked by: laura

Eleanor Myers

we've never really been that close tbh, but I'd love to speak to your more because you're really lovely! And you're so so pretty! Seen you a few times before, and I'm quite close to your brother! Always here x

georgia white

oh my god we used to be so close, we used to speak all the time and FaceTime all the time omf! We haven't spoken in agers:(( you're so lovely and always there for me, and you're so pretty! Love you x x

steph lander

we aren't really that close and we barley speak, but when we do speak I think we talk about most things really, I trust you with a lot, and you're really lovely and absolutely gorgeous too! I'm always here if you need a chat, loveyou x
Liked by: steph lander

Katie woodland

think you're perfect tbh, you're absolutely stunning! And so so lovely! My mum knows your mum and grandad and she's always telling me stories about your grandad haha! Seen you once or twice before but never really to speak to! We aren't really that close but I'm always here for you x

Sam askham

aw I love you so much sam, we used to be really close, but we speak occasionally! Think you've been there for me throughout pretty much everything, always there to cheer me up to&you give me some proper good advice! And I trust you with a lot too! You're really lovely and good looking, always here x
Liked by: Sam Askham

morgan makepeace

aw your a lovely lad, used to be proper close but we aren't anymore:/ always been here for me too! Your good looking and really funny, always here&loveya


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