

Ask @demielliottx

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what shoes do you have?

red vans, blue vans, grey converse, white converse, black converse, burgundy puma suede, purple gazelles, grey blazers, pink checkered vans, I love shoes omg
Liked by: Gracie

Opinion on Megan Platts?

she's a really lovely girl, she's laughs at everything haha! We've had a few memories like when she came to mine and we went on a massive walk oh my god haha, she's really pretty and she's always been there for me like I have been for here, loveya
Liked by: Gracie megan platts

What is the major problem in your city?

people who claim benefits when there is fuck all wrong with them! When they claim they can't work because they have a 'bad back' yet they can drive cars, and sit on their fat arses all day watching fucking Jeremy Kyle with a cup of tea and frigging rich tea biscuits. And as soon as you mention work to them they break out in a fucking sweat, dickheads.
Liked by: india

what annoys you?

year sevens!!!
I understand we was all year sevens once but when I was a year seven I was polite and I had respect, but bloody Nora the year sevens at my school do not have no respect and they are all so ignorant! They barge you out their way, there skirts are up their arses, and they get on my bloody tits

What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

I know I've just answered this but I missed something out.
Personally I think it was where I went to see both my nan and grandad in the chapel of rest, where I said my final goodbyes to them both, and I put a little note and a picture in both of their graves just so they would remember me. And also another thing which I personally thought was brave is where we got a phone call from the hospital saying that my nan hadn't got long left to live, and both me and my mum sat in the room with her and we was both crying and my mum was telling her how much of a good mum that she'd been, and basically we both watched her pass away, and it broke our hearts and I just had to run out, but I went back in and kissed her on the head and I did the same again when my cousin got there! Made my mum proud

best thing that's ever happened to you?

2011, honestly if I could go back to then with a click of my fingers, I would without a doubt! Everything was great, I was so happy! I didn't care about anything, my opinion on myself didn't even exist, I loved life! I was so close to Kane, we'd go out all the time and thinking of the old memory's is pretty upsetting, I just wish things were the same
Liked by: al

what do you think about most of the time?

Is it bad that I hate my life? bad that I hate myself? if it's bad that I don't think I'm pretty or skinny, and is it bad that so many people are so much better than me?
Liked by: Gracie


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