

Ask @demielliottx

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What made you happy today?

the fact that I could come home after a proper wank day at school, and speak to the one person that makes me happy and completely changes my mood all together:))

Opinion on

Courtney Clayton
You're absolutely lovely, and bloody gorgeous! We barley speak but you've got such a nice personality, think I've seen you out once in kivo but then again I'm not to sure haha, I'd love to start talking to you more hehe, I'm always here for you babe! Love you xx
Liked by: Courtney Clayton

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Do you like being alone?

no I absolutely hate it, I'm fine at school when I'm around other people, but when I'm at home, alone I feel like shit, I sit and remember the past and all the bad things which have happened to me, and then I cry! And then I repeat it every day. I hate being alone, that's why i always like to be with holli or someone else

list of what you're doing today

getting dropped of at hollis, walking to mine, meeting Tia, talking to tom, eating my dinner, probs crying before bed, listening to my music
Liked by: Kayla Turner

what's your honest opinion on Kane?

well I don't really know what to say, but whatever I do say I guess it'll be pretty long!
me and Kane have had a past, I'll admit it's not been a great past but in some ways it has. 2 years ago mine and his friendship was lovely, we used to go out most days of the week, I trusted him a lot to, he was always there to make me smile. But things changed when I started to gain feelings for him. I was like 12/13 at this point and out of our friendship group I liked quite a few people haha, but I don't know it was like it was different with Kane. A year went by and we stopped going out, and I guess he started to get pretty fed up with people telling him I liked him, another year went by and I honestly loved him, I loved him so much! I was annoying, and irritating, and I understand that he could do so much better than me and I knew from day one that I would never get the chance to go out with him, but I would've been willing to give up everything for him and quite a few people knew that. But I used to get really really upset about this, I never thought I was good enough and I got to the stage where I was never happy. I understand I'm still not the happiest of people but I'm a lot better than I was. We haven't always had a good friendship, he's said a few things in the past which he knows have upset me badly, but I still don't see what I ever did wrong to make things like they are. But yeah I spent two and a half years loving him and the other day i guess I finally realised that I'd moved on, i realised that the feelings just weren't there anymore. My face didn't light up when I saw him anymore. And well I guess things weren't the same. I didn't know weather to be happy about it or not, but I also finally realised that I could live without him, but after everything I do miss him and the memories which we shared and he was my first love so I'll never forget him. And if you ever take the time to read this Kane, I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you, so yeah

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are they rlly your best friends?

well I understand I've never met Gracie or Beth before, but I class them as bestfriends because they've both done so much for me, both always been there for me when I needed them to be, and they're so lovely and they treat me nicely, they're true friends
Liked by: Gracie

funniest memory youve ever had

yesterday lunch
Ellicia- *picks this shoe up* DO YOU WANT A FUCKING KICK
ellicia's pretty funny
Liked by: laura

someone you miss

my nan and grandad, the more I think about it the more it sinks in, the more I realise that the people i saw everyday the past 15 years aren't here anymore, and I'm never going to be able to see them again. But I have to be strong, not only for myself but for my mum! I love them both so much


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