

Ask @demielliottx

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Just seen that opinion, I love you so so so much and I miss you already! Xxxx

I miss you too much :( I need to see you soon ok!! Love you lots xxxxx

opinion on meh

well you're my other best friend.
you're weird, stupid and chuffing crazy but I couldn't ask for much more off you. 4/5 years ago we became friends and bloody hell we used to fall out at least twice a week about literally nothing. We've had our good fair share of bad memories which we've both forgotten about because we both said things we didn't mean and which both of us didn't deserve to hear! We never seem to fall out anymore because we've literally fallen out about everything! And last year I thought I lost you for good:/ I see you everyday as you're at my house for 7am every school day and you're always a little faggot about it because you turn my light on whilst I'm trying to sleep (please stop that) but yeah you're perfect in my eyes and don't let no arsehole tell you any different because as I said they're arseholes and they don't realise what they're on about lols! You're beautiful funny and so loving and in don't think we've ever been so close! And I love it just like I love you! Love you, you little cunt xxx

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Liked by: chantelle

Opinion on your best friend aka me

I'm going to answer this again because I did it pretty crap the other day.
I have two bestfriends, and you are one of them. It takes a lot it make me happy and to cheer me up but you always try your hardest and you always do a pretty good job of it. We haven't always been close, we used to text all the time before we met and now we meet like every weekend. I'm ever so lucky to have you because you're there for me 24/7, I couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, you may not think you've done a lot for me but in my eyes you've done more than enough for me. You're also perfect! You may not be in everybody's eyes but you are in mine! You're beautiful, funny, lovely, kind, caring and all I want in a friend. We laugh at the craziest things like when we were in the cinema and it all went quiet and you just went 'WHATTT' haha omg your mum is amazing and so it your cat, and basically you're one of the best things to ever happen to me and you're one of the bestest friends I've ever had ok. I love you and never forget it please xxxx

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Opinion on Abi Rooker

don't really know her, spoke to her a few times I think? She's incredibly pretty and seems so lovely! I'm always here for her xxx

opinion on adam curtis

used to talk all the time like last year, we aren't really that close anymore but I was out with you on Sunday, and you're good looking and absolutely lovely! Always here x

seem so lovely, see that you seem to be upset a lot so need to cheer up and be happy! dont know you really so cant say owt else, sorry

Dan Christie
aw thankyou aha that's lovely! I saw you yesterday too! Add me on Facebook or something?:)

who ever said you're not good enough for Kane is lying. you deserve so much better tbh and he's not good enough for you

who's this? And yeah we all know that's not true

Opinion on meeeeee

one of my bestfriends! You're absolutely perfect and you make me so happy! You're gorgeous, lovely and so reliable! You're constantly always there for me and I'm so grateful for everything you've ever done for me! Hopefully seeing you tomorrow! I love you millions el xxxxxx


Language: English