

Ask @eleanorwoon

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lol pathetic haven't even been to thailand or bali or luxurious places :( dw hun you'll be more well traveled someday

my mistake I have been to bali
Sorry I'm not well traveled enough for you
You know I live to please faceless cyber folk

youre actually such a bitch to everyone lk you think youre cultured or someshit

ha ha ha ha
Yes I'm very cultured which is why I don't act like a hooligan anonymously
Is this... HaTReD?!?!!&'bbbvnv.

when was the first time you travelled and where? youre very lucky :(

Probably when I was a few months old to ye ole capital aka bei jing #maomorelikeWOW
Liked by: zara kanaan

Any non members of the mormon faith in your family?

Yeah for a longtime now and it doesn't matter that much to me like it doesn't really affect me tbh
What does is the fact that you're asking me a private question like this anonymously ... come up to me in real life and I would've been happy to answer without sounding like a jerk
This wasn't meant to sound as bad as it does but seriously this could've been a touchy subject for some people yknow.
Liked by: Traci

List of places youve been n proof

Woah there now lol
Asia: Vietnam, japan, Hong Kong, china(shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, hainan, Guilin, hangzhou etc all those random places we go on china week LOL) Singapore, Malaysia
Australia, England, Germany, Italy, Greece, US (California, Hawaii etc)
I think yeah not counting airports that's about eet
I don't know how you want me to prove this though i don't keep plane tickets if that's what you want
Liked by: Traci

dude what's key club???

zara kanaan
This club that was for scholars but then lots of other people joined it
Basically you organize community service projects and stuff together
It doubts for creativity and service so Rachel made me do it with her that turd
Liked by: zara kanaan

How u go back from sch daily?

I take the train with ray-quellin or whoever
Or if one of my parents are in the area they'll pick me up

who are the two head girls and two head boys at dulwich?

I dunno you should probs ask someone who still goes to dulwich loll
Pretty sure Ashley van de casteele is one of them
He's basically Wonder Woman
But I really have no idea haha

thoughts on mhairi?

So excited that I'm part of this trend now.
Mhairis my boo(bie) I ruv her
I have no other thoughts

When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

There was a boar in the jungle near my house the other day
it was scavenging for food #truestory
Liked by: zara kanaan


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