

Ask @eleanorwoon

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You don't converse with people?

Well I don't always take the initiative to talk to people but when they talk to me I try to be nice :)

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I see you talking to jones sometimes! Haha. I thought ur were friends. Guess not

Maybee... I guess I just converse with anyone who talks to me

Is jones a nice guy? He always keeps to himself. But that's not surprising cause he is like the only YM

Um... Yeah he's alright
Don't know him that well


Hahaha yeah I'm definitely going there don't worry :)

I meant more convenient! But it's okay! Haha! See you tomorrow okay:D

hahaha well see you tomorrow! Looking bad I feel I typed very rudely lol sorry for sounding like a jerk:)

But I think Bukit Timah is better for your! Haha

What does that even mean haha either way it's the same lesson that starts at the same time how can one or the other be 'better'
And Sarah wants you to know it is not a short walk to her school so yeah I guess both of us prefer simei :)

Honestly, no one is on time for seminary! You will know why tomorrow!

Lol well this is my third year in seminary so I'm not unfamiliar with how hard it is to wake up in the morning, it's better to just be on time so you stay out of trouble and work isn't it? :) just because everyone else is never on time doesn't mean I should be as well

But Bukit Timah is super near to all their schools and they can have a slow walk to school!

Ahh but if they go to stake center either heather or Sarah has to wake up way earlier so they can get there on time :)

But isn't it inconvenient for ur sister?

Ehh not really she would have to wake up early anyways at least now she and heather can sleep in the car on the way to school


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