

Ask @eleanorwoon

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Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

Both I guess
I mean animals are great but sometimes just walking around in a large spacious venue surrounded by very nice interesting works of art is all one brain needs ja feel

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Who exactly is that hater!? She shd learn to step into other people shoes. Pfft. On a brighter note, you going for the beach activity this sat?

Hahaha!!! Thanks but I can see where they are coming from. I'm not sure I might but then again I might just sleep in :)

which school do u go to? because if you don't go to a local school you can't possibly understand how hard it is here so don't judge.

um SJII. hey now don't get so upset. please. it's not my fault that singapore decides to execute the A-levels (which btw isn't even supposed to be that hard) in such a stressful way that makes everyone here apparently hate it.
and I'm doing IB diploma so please sit down. just because my school is more chill in general doesn't mean it's not as "hard" and the students don't get stressed.
I'm angry.
Liked by: Traci

I agree that Singapore is not the best. I'm from Singapore too.

Oh sorry you feel that way! I didn't grow up here so I feel I can't really pass judgment but I just like china better. Though Singapore is a nice city I do get that the system here is kind of really unforgiving so I feel for you :):)

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

All my friends are basically one giant person in my life, do they count

Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?

I could go on the rest of the day without drinking alcohol

Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

Idk but I heard from someone that this girl from their school told them that this guy told her that in this other school this guy told him that this girl is a huge gossip
But idek like that's just what I heard
you didn't hear it from me
Liked by: zara kanaan

imitate inme

*super japanese*
*had brown hair*
*had scary black hair*
*had super long the grudge type hair*
*lost a lot of hair*
*hand fold things*
*hand folds envelopes*
*hand folds origami*
*hand folds her lunch box*
*brings gourmet sushi to school*
"My dad is actually part of the yakuza"
"My dad will chop your fingers off out of respect"
"Guys my dad will kill you"
Person : "Imme what does you dad do" Imme:" ..." Person:" ok..."
"Uh nuh"
"Uh luh"
"Uh how about nuh"
"Do you wanna die"
"Uhh I'm gonna die"
"I'm actually gonna die"
"Why do you hateeee meee"
"Are you serious?"
"You get?"
"But do you get?"
"Yumi actually hates me"
"Like can you not"
*hand gestures*
"Moshi moshi"
"I'm getting fatter... In my chin"
"No really needa go exercise "
*runs 1000090km"
*speaks 100009 languages*
Imme I know you should be reading this cuz I just linked you
Love you xiao rinnnngg made this saoo accurate and longggg for you

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What’s the last sport event you watched?

Wait like if you're talking school sports then like last week because I went to support Rachel Boo during her basketball thing

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

No sadly I cannot be bothered to leave my house so my closet life has been quite lackluster

tbh i miss you like HECK i miss your vibrant, hilarious, adorable,quirky, outgoing personality~~~ you are a phenomenal person and i am so happy i was able to get close to you, nothing here is the same without you, COME BACK YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON!!!

cryin cuz I miss me some trac-iiiii
Hope you don't get hit by a car next time you sleep scurry and I'm not there to save you omg <3

sorry haha jus don understand why you wouldn't choose the obvious better 1

I was simply listing the reasons why I like shanghai more than Singapore
Not saying SG is bad like it's definitely a great city as well
Just keep in mind I lived in shanghai for 15 years lol after awhile places grow on you
And I'm not an elderly person or in possession of small impressionable children
safety and cleanliness is not really a deal breaker for me
Liked by: Traci

haha but did you know singapore is one of cleanest safest cities in the world, why would china be better it has so many PRCs

a clean safe city doesn't always mean it is a good one? Just because Singapore has been ranked one of the safest and cleanest doesn't mean it's perfect. no type of listing should be what indicates how much you love a city. I love shanghai exactly because of the fact that it is disgusting and dirty and covered in phlegm and you basically run the risk of being conned or driven off into a creepy warehouse because your taxi drivers wants more money. i love shanghai because one moment you can be somewhere super sky scraper-y like lujiazui and then the next you can be in a total different architectural setting I'm just happy i got to grow up there and see shanghai grow up too I feel like a proud mama
The pearl tower was my first baby and the shanghai tower is the estranged child that I didn't get to see grow up
like idk bro I just love shanghai so much that place has the swag of a million suns

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Liked by: Ashleigh Jw Traci Dolli -

Things to do/what do you do in hawaii?

Tbh all the times we go to Hawaii we just chill
We're not very adventurous
Well if it's your first time just do all the touristy stuff I guess?? Like hike a mountain, go to the punch bowl, Pearl Harbor, dole plantation, PCC, eat at a shrimp shack, get shaved ice haha anything!! Google will tell you all the stuff you can do!!
Shopping wisee ala moana has loads of generic shops
And there's a brandy melville somewhere in Honolulu
Alsooo don't go to Waikiki beach haha it's the worst experience ever seriously go to north shore or something
Or just find yourself a friendly local and get them to take you somewhere non touristy

Your first time to Hawaii?

Nooo I've been there a few times before this because my dad and my older sister lived there for awhile on separate occasions so it is like his 3rd home I guess
We have some friends there as well so we visit them a lot?!?

Plans for Cny break, summer break and winter break?

cny-Chillin with fam
Summer- idk nothing really planned yet because my family can never agree on one place and then we end up making last minute decisions BUT I hope I can go to London with my parents cuz now since I'm not in a local school I have a better summer break which means I could go for my sisters graduation yay
Also we might go to Hawaii(!?!?!) for my parents anniversary idek we are an indecisive bunch
Christmas- no idea maybe we will end up going to Israel since we couldn't make it last year hahahaha
In other words I don't know what's going on in 2014

What are ur plans for CNY and pre CNY?

Get money and eat loads of food ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahqahahahwhwhwhqhqhqhahhabsbssnnsnsndneneekkwe
And I don't know what you mean by pre Cny because pre cny would mean school so yeah

not really an answer but ok hahahaha let's be honest you don't want to list cuz there are ppl you hated in dulwich and you just want to keep up your act ;)

i know I definitely don't miss you, you hairy faced wart pimple blackhead butt diablo worshipper </3

who do you miss most from dulwich??

Oh myy
Actually such a hard question cuz I miss like EVERYONE
I was there for almost 7 years so it's literally impossible to name every single person I miss since I've met so many different people through the years
So yeah I don't have any names
Though if you knew me you would know roughly who I miss the most lol I don't want to list because I'll probably forget someone and that would be awkward
seriously I just miss everyone at dulwich so much tbh like if any if you are reading this YOU MEAN LIKE THE WORLD TO ME xoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxox
Liked by: zara kanaan


Language: English