
erica (:

Ask @ericaphillips

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hello how are you

pretty shitty because I'm being accused of things and so are my friends and now I don't know who to believe

Well why were you spreading around something like that?

sorry. I wasn't the one who specifically told people that you cut. I told 2 girls that I heard from someone that you did but I wasn't sure if it was true. sorry that I screwed up. but your still friends with the people who started the rumor. sorry. I wish I could undo things, but I can't. kik me.

well I mean, You did just say below that you did tell two people :)

I did tell to people that I heard it from them and I wasn't sure it was true. sorry. I screwed up. also, your the one who just told everyone on ask.fm that I told people that you cut. I didn't.

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k but that's complete bullshit bc I never told anybody that and all they're doing is trying to make up random shit that never happened. If I thought you cut, the only person id tell was the guidance counselor.

that's what I would do to. sorry. when I believed it, I didn't. But I don't.

and I'm sorry but I get we aren't exactly friends, But if you actually think I would make up lies about something as serious as somebody self harming, then you obviously don't know me as well as you thought you did.

well then why do you believe people about what I supposedly did.

Really then why did u go to guidance about it and tell everyone

ok. let me just get things strait. someone else went to the guidance counselor before me. no I am NOT going to name names because personally I think this is just bullshit drama and I don't want to add to it. that person told me. I know that this is bad, but I did tell 2 people that I heard it from them and I wast sure it was true. yes for a short period of time i believed it. sorry. So you can call this something like a game of telephone. when everyone says things, they get warped and changed and somehow it got to end with me. probably because we were best friends. in all honesty she's still my best friend. I still support her. I'll always care about her. I'm not going to just throw away all the memories that we've had, simply because she doesn't like me. sorry for everything. I screwed up.

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What can you do to make this world a better place?

before everyone starts calling me a hypocrite and crap, I know that what I'm about to say is hypocritical. I have done this before. so has everybody. but I think something that could make the world better is to stop bringing up things from the past, just to stir the pot.

Yeah. I've never told anybody that you cut so...

yeah I'm sorta 1/2 believing you right now. sorry, but i didn't like being lied about either. So if your telling the truth, them I'm truly sorry. but right now, I don't believe you. /:

hm. The situation below sounds familiar . Like when you told people that Portia cut?

did you not just read my last answer? bye.

Portia told me and one other girl. I believed her at first so I was just gonna tell you to get help of you did

ok. First of all, I do not cut. second of all, that's probably because she doesn't like me. or because someone told her that I told people that she cut. which isn't true. So if she's gonna believe them, then fine. I'll believe you. I understand her reasoning. please drop the subject though before another world war 2 starts on ask.fm.

If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

there's literally nothing here. tbh i would bring you to the sign that says "entering amherst" or "entering northampton"
Liked by: jordan lashway

we don't hate you. the correct word is done.

"done" as in leave me for like a week? because done is exactly what you said last time, and that's what happened. (:


Language: English