
erica (:

Ask @ericaphillips

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God. You don't get it do you? Are you fucking physco? Do you not realize that you hurt so many people? Do you not care? But all that matters are your feelings, right?

I care about people I don't even like more than I care about me. I hate myself. You know why? People like you. who hate on me. I know I'm not perfect, but neither is anyone else, including you. at least I don't hate on people anonymously. Or hate anyone at all. I don't "hate" ANYONE. NO ONE. goodbye (:
Liked by: Jake Stowell

See you're deciding to be the bigger person now, but how long is that going to last? How long until you go back to talking shit about everybody who walks by? Just. Fucking. Stop.

ok haha

sorry? thats all you have to say? what does that even mean?

you don't know what sorry means? I've decides to be the bigger person and apologize. I don't know what I'm apologizing for besides being rude and talking about people, but whatever. I shouldn't be the one apologizing. these anons should. But I'm being the bigger person and apologizing (:

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Ya know what, Picture this, You're talking about somebody, but they hear every word. They go home, and cut. But they cut too deep. And end up in the hospital. Would you care then? Or say "it's not my fault." Not saying this would happen, But what if. Would you even care? Would you stop?


what I don't get is when you make fun of people for being hipster? Have you looked at your own Instagram?

sooo tell me about all of my "hipster" posts on Instagram. I don't see any

OKAY Erica isn't as mean as people are making her seem. Sure she isn't super mature or always that nice but it isn't as big a deal as its been turned into lol. She speaks her mind more than most sure, but that isn't gonna change so..

you just ended up insulted me more that you complimented me

Erica please ignore this hate... No matter what you have or haven't done you don't deserve it and their insults arent true :*

thanks katiee ily
Liked by: Katie

I like how no one really cares that you're getting all this hate

Ikr everyone else gets paragraphs from like 3 different people about how much they love them and how they don't deserve all this hate and that they're perfect. Im the only one who doesnt get them haha I don't think anyone really cares.

You have caused people to cut. I'm one of the people. I don't care if you don't believe me, and claim it's not your fault. You've said some really really hurtful things.

I know I have. So have everyone else. Think of what you're doing right now. Trying to making me hate myself for something I didn't do. Why don't you come off anon so I can start to CARE.
Liked by: Carolyn

You know exactly when it was. Stop denying it. Stop trying to make yourself seem like a better person. Because deep down, you know this is true. You remember exactly when this happened.

I have no idea what you're talking about. You've got things all wrong lmfao. One day, I said one thing about to a girl, and she had her dad try to file a bully report on me and a racist report. you wanna know what I said to her that made her do that? "you should stop being rude" since then, we've been friends. you need to cut the crap and stop lying because I don't care.
Liked by: Carolyn

And even though you're 99% sure it's not your fault. The 1% is true. And you can believe whatever you want. That it wasn't your fault. But in all reality, it was. And you're just denying it so you seem like a better person.

no. I'm denying it because I'm smart, and I know who's lying. Please just stop telling my lies. I really don't care about your hate

"I just made a rant about stopping hate." "Stop hating" coming from the girl who was threatened to have a bully report filed against her. huh and she still hasn't changed. :)


I'm not sending you hate. I'm actually the one trying to stop the hate. Because you're the one talks about people and hurts them all the time. "I feel sorry for them, but it's not because of me." How exactly would you know if it was because of you or not? They have told me that it was.

I'm smart enough to figure things out. (: I'm 99% sure that that's not true, but it's that 1% that's making me hate myself for it. stop hating bYE.

It doesn't matter if people are meaner than you or if you know people who cut and why. You've caused people to cut because what you've said has hurt them so much. Just please, try to act a little nicer.

to whoever is telling me that I caused people to cut, and that I take things way too far, you're wrong. YOU are taking things way too far. I JUST made a rant about stoping hate, and you do the opposite. telling me that I've caused people to cut? I feel sorry for them, but it's not because of me.

Erica wouldn't be the ONLY reason someone cut. I'm sure she's added to the problem, but if somebody let this little freak (I mean that it the best way :* lol) get to them so much then they might just be wanting attention. I'm NOT saying that's definitely it, that would be awful, but think about it.

I agree and thanks

actually you have caused people to cut. You aren't aware of it. But you have. And don't ask who because I'm not telling you. And don't say I'm not telling you because you never did, because you actually have. I just won't name names.

I know lots of people who cut. and I know why they do it. there are a LOT more people that are meaner than me that I know. I'm not saying


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