
erica (:

Ask @ericaphillips

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"Don't expect me to treat them like royalty" U stole tht from portia lol look a her ask

oh actually it's a real quote but ok

That's not an actual response. You're proving my point eve more that u only care about yourself. You don't even think about how they probably feel.

I CARE ABOUT THEM A LOT MORE THAN I CARE ABOUT MY SELF. they don't respect me at all. if they respected me, they wouldnt tell me one day that I'm the meanest girl in the grade, and that they're done with me. they left me. I've been nothing but nice to them since, and all they have to say is that I'm just gonna keep doing it over and over again. as if they've never made me cry my eyes out before. and since then, they still talk about me. At least I've learned. im really sorry if I sound mean right now. really. I just thought that you guys would drop the subject of me and them, a long time ago. it's none of your business. what goes around comes around, so don't expect me to treat them like royalty after they used me and said that they're done. stay out of it.

lmao you just proved my point. You only think of urself. actually think of what you put THEM through for once and try to figure why they don't want to hang out with you.

you are actually making me laugh

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Not literally saying "me" but you only talk about ur feelings. and u don't even consider them. U only blame them for everything and try to make urself look like the victim. We get it they're not innocent. that isn't the point,

I care about them obviously a lot more then they do about me. what are you trying to prove

whut I've noticed is whenever u have an ask question about Cassie and porta, u always reply with "me me me me me" have u ever thought about THEIR feelings?

so I've only gotten one question about them recently and I did not say ME at all. I said THEM and THEY. lmao

Are you portia and cassie all good now becuZ u were talking at lunch and in chorus.

ask them lmao. they always act like we're fine so

when was the last time you were angry? what did you do?

yesterday. if your gonna talk about me, you should make sure I'm not sitting RIGHT IN FROMT OF YOU. and I did nothing. oops

the perfect kiss?

he steps forward, and pushes you up against the wall . he puts his hands around your waist, looks deeply into your eyes, he leans his head right near yours, then he smashes his forehead into your face and breaks your nose. he jabs his thumbs into your eye sockets, and rips your tongue out of your mouth, and throws it agains the wall while it's still moving. then he stabs you 37 times in the forehead, and whispers "I like you to the moon and back".
wow that escalated quickly.

just wanted to know because you've never mentioned them lol

oh well i haven't mentioned most of the music I listened to so...


Language: English