
erica (:

Ask @ericaphillips

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why are you friends with cassie? she's worthless.....

she's not worthless. she's pretty much nice all the time and she's gorgeous. If you think that this is hurting me or her, you are wasting your time.

you, Cassie, Ali, Erin, Jordan, Leah, Margaret, Heather, Carolyn, and all the Hopkins girls are so dumb and rude ugh

umm I know that everyone can be rude, but we aren't dumb. Im pretty sure that Hopkins is the best school in western mass. also, Carolyn doesn't even go here
Liked by: Justin Ciaglo

How's canada

good haha I just got home and saw that my cat opened a bag of fish food and spilled it all over my new shirt

When was the last time you broke the law?

I'm pretty sure jumping over the fence to the road is a state law so I'm pretty sure it's when I tried to get to taco bell

what about you main best friends

well I had 2 main best friends. One left last night and told me she was done with me and she's never coming back. one is still my best friend, but idk. shes acting different.


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