
erica (:

Ask @ericaphillips

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ohh good thing Portia isn't in your car too lawl doesn't she hate you too?

she's gonna be there too haha. and yeah I think she does

jw isn't it gonna be awkward in the car rode? Hehe

*ride and yeah probably. that's only if she's still gonna be mad then. which I highly doubt haha

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Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

tbh so many people I know do it anyways so idc. some people need it for medical reasons too.
alcohol contributes to
•drunk driving
•death if too much is taken
•very bad for your health
•domestic violence
•sexual assault
but it's legal.
weed contributes to
•everything seems good
•good health in some ways
but it's illegal.
I don't get it.
Liked by: jordan lashway

what happened between you, cassie, and Portia?

honestly idk why they're mad at me for things that they've done too. but I know it's gonna be over in a week so don't worry if she says we're "done" lol. idc

Tbh- I haven't seen you in like foreverrrrr. You're sooooooo pretty and wicked nice and funny:) rate- 10(: cute or not-cute duh

thankss (:

If you actually have an app, wouldn't you have known if that were Cassie or Portia?

well I thought I might as well just say it to both of you. because its obvious that both of you wanted to say that (:

Definition Of Joke: a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. No where in there does it say anything about being mean. Why do you use that term after doing something rude? It's incorrect. The Correct Term Is: Bully .

hii cassie or portia. whenever you guys try to hurt me you always do it together so you have each other to back each other up. So I might as well just say it to both of you. LEAVE ME ALONE. have a nice day (:

erica didnt say she had depression. she said shed felt depressed. you CAN actually feel depressed, and i understand why erica would. because of people like you. Get over it. de·pressed adjective 1. (of a person) in a state of general unhappiness or despondency.

Liked by: jordan lashway

"I've felt depressed." That's not just an emotion that you can feel. And most people who ACTUALLY suffer from depression are diagnosed by a doctor. You were probably just very sad.

(: byee

Depression takes years to die off. And when it does it's normally by therapy, or by someone.

I officially know who this is lol. you just made it obvious. if you don't like me or my opinions, leave. (:

you were kind of asking for crap when you said youve been depressed. I know what people say and how they make you feel, but theyre insensitive and ignorant. If a doctor hasnt diagnosed you with clinical depression, basically in their eyes youre asking for attention and nothing bad at all has ever h

ok bye (:

Depression is not a joke.... Some people are actually suffering... Stupid problems with your friends is NOTHING... People actually go through things.. Bad things... And your sitting here saying your depressed!!

no. I didn't say I am depressed. I'm saying I've felt depressed. I'm sorry I wasn't diagnosed by a doctor, but neither are most people. and I'm fine now. back the fuck off. because if your Gonna sit here and tell me that I've never been depressed, then your the one who's taking it as a joke. back off. (:


Language: English