
erin muir

Ask @erinMeatsix

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See whoever is saying I wrote that shit about emma, that's actually disgusting, whoever sent erin a message also sent me a message, I munched it and sent it to erin, I'd never even imagine of saying something like that, especially about a fucking 10 year old girl.

Mark Davidson
Liked by: ross love

okay just seen the hate about your cousin. shut the fuck up okay Emma is beautiful and is such a cute wee girl, she is such a strong girl and soo happy. the person who said it is the one that needs to go because they are a sick cunt who has no idea what she has gone through. LOVE YOU EZZA

jenny cuthbert
Thank you Jenny, love you too x

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Because I know him and it's pretty obvious..

I see, well if it was him he can get to fuck. He'll deny it if it was, and I'm not too sure if you're even telling thr truth here but just incase. He can forget about adding me back on bbm.
Liked by: ross love

Why are you stealing mark away from me? I actually love um and your not helping

I'm not stealing Mark away from anybody? See, stuff like this makes me feel bad because I know I hate it when someone gets between me and someone else and now I'm supposedly doing it myself?
Liked by: ross love

whoever is saying stuff about emma can fuck off sick little arsehole,i actually hope something happens to you in future then you can realise that saying stuff about a disabled 10 year old amazing girl is horrible you low life little bastard,i dont wish death on people but you deserve it sick bastard

Liked by: ross love

If I find out who has wrote about erin's little cousin on this I will acctually kill them,you sick cunt that is a child with a disability your talking about your a mutant to say anything like that and you have made me feel sick, who ever wrote that deserves to die 'LOL'

Liked by: ross love

Haha, she's a mongo, she's gonna die soon anyway most likely, I'd love to pour petrol on her, and watch her skin melt off, and then steal her wheelchair, all mongo's should be killed hehe xxxxxx

You're a sick fuck. Just because they're different in some way doesn't mean they should be treated any fucking different. Emma's beautiful. Just like any other person with a disability. I'd like to see you even try me off anon and see what then happens. Sick little CUNT.
Liked by: ross love

I'd very much like to stamp on its face hehe xxxxxx

Cute babe, try and and see what happens, 'hehe' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: ross love

Look seriously the wee stalker asking all the questions about erin and mark fuck off its Nout of your business and its gonna start shit, your a freak stop getting involved in others lives weirdo sorry erin haha

Haha it's okay
Liked by: ross love

Haha, emma is a mongo, hope she dies lol xxx

Haha, she is, is she? And you do, do you? Well that's nice. Saying that about a child with a disability. 10 years old and can't even take a fucking step to walk, can't speak and can't do anything to help herself. Very fucking 'lol' eh? You're a sick person and I hope you die 'lol' because she's my fucking baby and I love her no matter how different she is to everyone else, get a fucking grip of yourself.


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