
erin muir

Ask @erinMeatsix

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What is your goal for the next 24 hours?

To have the best day of my whole year. Because I' meeting Reece. Tomorrow WILL me amazing, and the best day of the year because it's been pretty much shit since the begining.

50 things about you?

1. My name is Erin Muir, obviously.
2. Ryan Todd is talking to me and I can't be bothered with his stupidness tbh.
3. I have pink hair.
4. I have like 11 piercing's.
5. I'm shit at maths, although passed my exams so..yeah.
6. I can't be bothered doing this if I'm honest.
7. I don't go a day without playing music.
8. I'm listening to Kerrang.
9. I broke my phone last night.
10. I only have 4 girls that I really 'hang bout with'.
11. The majority of the people I talk to are boys, not cause I'm a slut as people say. But they're easier to get along with.
12. I love gays.
13. I'm also supportive with people that are disabled.
14. My little cousin is all I'll ever need to think about when I'm older.
15. I am forever alone.
16. I fall for people far too quickly.
17. I'm a fast typer and my dad always shouts at me for it.
18. Ryan is still talking to me.
19. Labrinth and Emili Sande are on my tv.
20. I'm going to my Grans today to see her and my Gran Dad cause it's his birthday.
21. Carys is and has been my best friend for 11 years, aw.
22. My laptop is slow and shit.
23. I've seen 14 bands live.
24. I actually like Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj's new song ok.
25. I can get hyper really easily.
26. I miss Mark sometimes, not going to lie.
27. I just want a cute relationship, idk.
28. I dislike lot's of people.
29. If I need to say something to someone I'd always say it to there face, ye.
30. I'm not scared of anything.
31. I always listen to the radio when I'm getting ready in the morning.
32. I also sleep with my teddy every night.
33. I love Dean and Kassie so much.
34. This year has been the worst year for me and my family so far.
35. I sometimes go through a depression stage.
36. I dye my hair different colours a lot.
37. I really want my Septum pierced.
39. I'm a virgin.
40. It's Christmas soon.
41. I'm getting bored of this and not sure what else to say so i'll say some random shit.
42. Music channels are being shit and playing Christmas music after Christmas music, omfg.
43. I'm a big daddy's girl.
44. I love my brother's girlfriend and I want them to last forever, aw.
45. I'm waiting on Reece replying to me.
46. Unfortunately Ryan is still speaking to me.
47. Oh, I'm single.
48. Again, I'm forever alone.
49. I love all my friends, they're amazing and just, ily.
50. I'M DONE.

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piercings you got, and how sore scale 1-10?

ear lobe - can't remember cause got them when I was 8 haha.
both tragus' - 3
lip - 4
nose - 7
tongue - 3
helix a few times in each ear- 4
Liked by: ross love

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

to start this year all over again, it's been the wost year so far. My papa had a stroke which has changed not only him as a man, and his personality, but everyone's relationship in the family. I hate it, and wish I could do something to help it all, but I know I can't. I just want him to get better and give me back my papa :(
Liked by: April Mackay

i did, until you asked me this yesterday, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, the day before that, and oh the day before that!

hahaha, who is this?!!

you should hang around with other folk like, you're soond and pretty, shouldn't be with carys and april and they gimps, hahaha

thanks, but Carys has been my bestfriend for 11 years, April's her cousin and i've known her a big part of my life too. I'm not leaving them, I love them and all the rest of my friends.


Language: English