
erin muir

Ask @erinMeatsix

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if that was you then whats your problem?, no point asking that as you dk who i am but just gtf if youre gonna be like that...

excuse me?

what happened to your papa that you always seem to be down about it? sorry if that sounds harsh

He had a stroke about March time. I know it might not sound a big deal to people and they might think "aw he's still alive so it's good" because it's not. He lost everything from his right side, and ever since he's been working to get it all back again. He can walk, but not long distances at all, he struggles still. He can write, and talk till he's tired. To this day he struggles still but it's not getting any better. Just recently his friend was diagnosed with cancer, and it's terminal so he's not really got long left. That put a shock on everyone and took to my papa in the worst way and started getting upset loads. Yesterday, he lost his job. They were bullying him because he wasn't able to do much as he used to because of his stroke and put him in another room, more like a cupboard and replaced him with someone 'more capable'. He was crying, enough to phone my gran and tell her to come stay with us because he didn't want her too see him like he was. My gran then crying phoned my mum and my mum then starts to cry. You see, someone having a stroke is more serous than you think. Not only does it affect the person, but it effect's family and friends. My papa is a completely different man than before, and I really do miss him. This year has been stressful and tough on me and my family. It's unreal how much I want everything to be like how they were in 2011. I will always love my papa just as much though, even if he isn't the same. His work 'mates' should never have bullied him out of his job, but well done. It took you's a whole year to do it, but I hope you're fucking happy. He can finally move on a focus more on himself and getting back to being the same man as before, and he'll show you's and show you right. He's still an amazing man, and we all love him just the same. I really hope things get better. But for everyone that's asked, this is why I always feel so shit.

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Liked by: April Mackay


Language: English