
erin muir

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perfect relationship?

Someone who's cute and enjoys lazy days with movies and cuddles. That I can be myself around and have little play fights and a good laugh with. Someone that my friends will like and he wouldn't mind them so it wouldn't be awkward and my friends wouldn't ruin anything between us and me and the boy. Someone who I can trust and helps me through situations that I need a shoulder for. That I can tell everything too. That will stay up with me on weekends and have cute conversations with me. Who doesn't just want sex all the time and is actually focused on the relationship instead of his dick. Who will get on with my family and will be no problem towards them. Someone who's not so much of a dick if we ever have an argument. Who isn't cocky about everything. I just want someone who I can be able to call my best friend even if we do ever seem to break up for whatever reason, still be able to trust and can count on to still be there cause that's never happened.

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whoever is trying to cause shit over erins cousin? get a fucking life and leave her alone her cousin has a disability so what it dont make her different or any less than us? were all the same and deserve respect. now fuck off and get a life

Jason Drinan
thanks jason, love you bro x

Track down the location of that persons computer, then report to the police for harassment or something

It's fine. I wouldn't want too cause that means getting my mum involved with the police and she's already got enough on her plate with my gran and grandad. Also, she takes it more serious so best not too

That was so sweet how you said that about your little cousin xXx My little brother has a brain issue and can't talk or anything but he look's up to me and I look out for him. So amazing that you can stand up for her like that and she sounds like a sweet girl xXx <3

aw aw aw, come off anon? But yeah, I'm sure he is just as strong as me cousin. So sorry to hear though! My cousin can't talk either, or walk but she's still here which is the most important thing, thank you so much though. Means a lot!xxxxxx


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