
Eunoia Senpai

Hi! EJC could consider accepting DSAs for the sports teams for next year!

Hi there - of course! DSA will start on 8 May. Do encourage your juniors to apply or if you're not already with us, apply to us!!! 😁

Latest answers from Eunoia Senpai

What counts as the top quintile of the J1 cohort for MYEs (ie. What is the cutoff rp)

Thanks for the question! That’ll depend on the cohort’s performance - you’ll find out on Thursday the minimum rank points for the fifth quintile 🤞🏻😉

Hi! Is it possible to take H2 math without Amath knowledge, but only scoring A1 in Olvl math? (willing to learn before sch starts)

Hi, yes it’s possible! It’d be quite the challenge 💪🏻

how many doe like for eg im pretty gd at badminton and have represented clubs before but im not in badminton im in a ug am sec 4 now so how many vacancies are given out

Thanks for the question! It depends on the interest so we really can’t predict next year’s intake. 😅

hello! Can a combined science student get into science stream if he/she gets A1 for both math and science in Olvl

Thanks for the question! The answer is yes! You’d be eligible to offer one Science subject at H2 level in Eunoia 😄

Hi! Is it possible for the school to share the future destinations of our seniors? It will be nice to know where our first class is gging in general even if the names r kept anonymous.

Thanks for the suggestion! We’ll let the CSH team know 😁

Hi senpai! Just wanted to know how many students does EJC allow to take FMath/year? Also since it said A1 for AMath at O levels, does it mean we need 75% (A1) or 80% (A*/+) for JIP exams? Thanks!

Thanks for the question! There’s no strict quota of the sort you’re thinking about. It’s more an absolute case about passing the selection test so don’t worry too much about that. As long as you get a distinction at your JIP exams 😉

hi senpai, would just like to give some feedback regarding performances in school: some of us feel like they aren't always the most appropriate if you know what I mean (especially the dance during investiture, with parents and all). perhaps we could consider placing standards on what is allowed?

Thanks for the feedback! You have a point there 🙏🏻 It’s something that teachers and Eunoians alike should consider

hello! I was wondering if the college plans to release the videos of the college day performances? as filming was prohibited by the audience and I really want to have a copy of the performances for memories 😭

Thanks for asking! We want to watch them again too. We will check in with the Media Club! 🙏🏻

does ejc consider the results of dsa applicants before allowing them to audition and eventually enroll into the school? also, is there a sports class in ejc for dsa students? or are the dsa students integrated into regular classes with JAE/IP students? thank you :)

Hello, thanks for the question! Yes, results do matter to us because we want to do well in your studies too. DSA students are placed in classes according to their chosen subject combi 😇

hi senpai, can I offer csc, mep, chem and math in ej? I have already checked the ej website and I couldn't find this combi

Hello! That combi is not likely to be on the list, but you can propose it as your preferred subject combi. MEP and CSC can be a rather heavy workload, so give that some consideration too 😇🙏🏻

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