
Faded Flame

Ask @fadedflame1

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What would you do if your friends or family found your OF account??

Nothing, hell, they better subscribe if they trying to catch a peel

He deserves her she cusses like him so bullies get along with bullies they deserve each other

Cussing doesn’t make you a bullie. Judging people like you just did, does though

Is Christmas supposed to be a happy or sad holiday?

It’s not suppose to be anything. Pagans and Norse Clans went out into the woods bringing gifts to the trees. Hand woven grass figurines and sang songs of the coming solstice in appreciation to the forest. They decorated the mightiest tree, with natural things and Left it standing protecting it for years and passing on the ritual and stories of past legacies that were had with the tree to the blossoming generations.

I want to cuddle with you.😍

Take a number, a pamphlet, a handful of those dental dams and leave the complimentary Charleston Chews alone. Mine. Then proceed to the back of the line. Ignore the pair of weasels , I don’t know who accepted their medical insurance. And you better not say Bernie Saunders

If they don’t want to speak to me then why continue to speak to me indirectly? But whatever. I’m doing this.

anonomously50503’s Profile PhotoParsheye30
Are you certain you haven’t been spam botted? You can make them seem very cryptic and familiar
Liked by: Parsheye30

I'm sad

Stick a thumb in your butt and one in your mouth, then count to 10 and switch hands as fast as you can. Preferably done in groups of 3 or more

Thoughts on the batman ?

Proud Orphan who’s scared of Bats with a trust fund and a nanny. Who’s biggest enemy is a figment of his own mind, in a plot line that this said enemy is also his parents murderer. Has the abilities to thwart any ninja and doesn’t Even parkour. Also so desperate that the only women he ever gets are the ones he has beaten the shit out of, probably because those two are evil as fuck and always trying to fuck something up. He Knows the only place in the world where human flesh can be restored and the dead can be resurrected, aka The Lazarus Pit….which is also where he was raised and his son lives. But has never saved a single friend with it. Cough cough (Harvey Dent) scatting cough Alfred and Bat Girl cough…But he’s Cool in my book. But only the Nightfall Series, cause the rest of it ain’t hitting on shit.

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Liked by: sim-ki

Do you sometimes delete an answer on your page in worry that an ex or someone that you know in real life will see your answer and judge you for it?

Geez, people are absolute cowards

Just hypothetically speaking how would you feel if a good friend of yours started dating your ex?

They wouldn’t be my good friend


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