
Farhan Iqbal

Do we still have to give jalsa salana chanda even though jalsa is cancelled this year?

Yes, it is obligatory. The Jama'at will use the surplus funds where necessary and this will be discussed publicly in Majlis-e-Shura. Due to the pandemic, some of the expenses for Jalsa next year will increase. We can only speculate but increased supplies of hand sanitizers, increased social distancing measures, gloves, other sorts of equipments, etc. may need to be purchased for next year's Jalsa. So, the savings right now will be used up later.
Liked by: Anas Majeed

Pakistan has not had a Jalsa Salana in 36 years but they have been paying Chanda for it to this day. It's a blessing we get to have it every year, giving it this year is sort of a sadqa so that we get to have it next year, Inshā’Allāh!

sohaibkhalid93’s Profile PhotoSohaib
Jazak Allah Sohaib. Much appreciated.

if pakistan's jamaat cant hold jalsas, where does the jalsa chanda go that is collected from members there?

There are some preparations made for Jalsa every year in Pakistan, as anticipation for getting the permission to hold it one day.
I'm not from Pakistan, but if you are from there, you can speak to a Majlis-e-Shura representative from your Jama'at and ask them about it.
Liked by: Anas Majeed

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