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What would you do if your friend is in an abusive relationship?

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I would urge them that my house is always a safe place for them and I would.make sure that they knew that I am there to offer the help they need if they want it.
Hard to know without facts but, Be a support! I know it’s hard but you lose everyone when you’re in that situation. She’ll need to get out on her own (unless of course you need to call the police then please do)
I would try to convince her to live her/his partner…but anyway I can’t do much about it, I can just talk, she/he can do something about it truly
I'd try to talk to my friend about it and outline why I think they're in an abusive relationship and offer my help/support but that's it. At the end of the day, it's my friend's decision what to do with the situation, and I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

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