
UBER free rides: ivanv3669ui

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Kak nganswer ask yg tadi jangan pake bahasa inggris dong kak:( aku ngertinya cuman dikit:( di transletin ke indonesia dong kak yg cara ngecilin betis itu:( i hope you want help me :( I HOPES

Don't be so frikinnn lazyyy... Google translate is one click away ...ngetik ajaa lo males apa lgi gerakin badan lo supaya betis lo kecil

Terimakasih yaowo dengan kehadirannya kak Boki dengan ajarannya tentang mengecilkan betis paha kaki :')

Amelia Bunjamin
Ahahaha inti ny sih endurance cardio itu katabolik...lebih dr 30menit bakal abisin otot2 lo...bukan cuma d calf tapi seluruh badan. Maka ny menghindari kardio lama2
Btw ada operasi kecil yg matiin otot betis lo...jd kalo di flex calf lo gak gerak, lama2 ngecil dh

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kak cariin cara buat ngecilin betis dong, betisku kyk tales bogor nih:"""""""""""(

1. Keep your heels down and avoid walking on the ball of your foot.
2. RUN to slim calves and reshape legs.Running is a powerful tool that allows you to slim down your legs and calves. Think about the physique of short- and long-distance runners. Endurance runners usually have thin legs, as opposed to sprinters who have very well developed calves and thigh muscles. Sprinting develops the calves, but endurance running does not and will in fact slim down calves. Run slower, but for longer distances (endurance running). To slim down your legs, slim thighs and calf muscles, do endurance cardio with little to no resistance. That means running on flat terrain when outdoors or keeping the resistance/ incline low on the cardio machines in the gym. This will slim down your legs and slim down your calves, while keeping your legs firm and shapely. Endurance running can reduce the size of the actual calf muscle and reduce the fatty tissue around it (and everywhere else), that is making the calf look bulky. Put simply, it helps you lose fat from calves and it helps reduce muscle mass.
3. Avoid activities that primarily call for strength, power and speed from your legs muscles, as they will create bigger bulkier muscle. For example, short intense cardio workouts, workouts that require strength and exercises that involve resistance, incline or going up hills. Steep inclines on the treadmill particularly and hill running will develop calves and make big calves even larger.
4. Avoid high-impact jumping movements, such as rope jumping. Swimming, walking, cross-training and the elliptical trainer are great to slim down calf muscles. The elliptical trainer is an excellent tool for low-impact cardio. However, keep the resistance on the low. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, exercise for longer periods. Walking slims down the lower legs as it lengthens the muscles between the back of the knee and the ankle.
5. Avoid the step machine and other types of climbing exercises, as these type of exercises target the calf muscles to increase size. Remember, your goal is to lose bulky calf muscle, i.e. to slim it down, not make to big calf muscles bigger.
6. Resistance Training. You can either avoid training this area completely or if you prefer use light weights and high reps. Resistance exercises that target the calf muscles will tend to increase the size of the calf muscle – not slim down calves.In other words, resistance training is more likely to give you big calves, than make your calves smaller. Remember there is no such thing as spot reduction. If you need to lose fat around your calf muscles you can only do so through diet, cardio or even liposuction of calves. But you cannot do exercises that will reduce the fat around the calf muscles alone.

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Emng kalo bljr bhsa inggris hrs ada yg ngajarin sprti guru??? Bs g kita cepat ngerti bhsa inggris tanpa gur/les? Jd misalnya kt bljrnya dr internet google ytube. Saran dong biar cpt kt bs bhsa inggris tnpa guru. Gmn caranya ya:)

Haduhhh salah nanya kayanya lo...inggris gw aja tuh broken english , waktu jaman sekolah ga perna dapet bagus dan ga ada yg masuk ke otak.
Kalo gw sih lebih cepet belajarnya dari baca buku / majalah, nonton film , sama praktek langsung... Selebihnya coba baca2 aja ttg grammar & perbanyak vocab

OMG! I looked at your ask.fm and I realized you are ka Ivan from CDC! OMG OMG! please come to bali again! you guys were so amazing!! and thankyou sooo much for liking my post! so happy! made my day!you rock! Salam juga sama ka Cindy!✨ hihi! you guys are amazing!

Woo you're so kind , we would love to be back and have a show in Bali .The last show in Bali was amazing . Ka @Cindykarmoko nih dapet salam :)
Hv a G'd day !

menu makan diet yang baik itu gimana sih ka?

Protein tinggi, serat tinggi, karbo rendah, lemak rendah ..."rendah" bukan nya gak ada... Jadi google dlu cara itung macros (kebutuhan protein, karbo, lemak) atau pake app kaya livestrong "myplate" , atau myfitnesspal
Jadi jangan lagi diet by starving yourself , karna bsa metabolic damage nanti malah jd susah kurus :)

halo selamat siang. kalau kamu bilang Cindy Karmoko yang pertama kali buat rambut warna warna. lalu orang2 pada ikutin. tapi mengapa cindy kurang eksis di kalangan blogger2 ya? :) have a good day.

Ehehe skrg barometernya apa ke eksisan seorang blogger ? Di kalangan blogger yg mana ?
Mungkin krn cindy d Milan jd ga eksis d jakarta , tp mnurut gw sih kalo menjadi fashion blogger cuma mengejar eksistensi sungguh menyedihkan. Ibarat artis sinetron yg bikin sensasi ga penting demi masuk infotainment.
Harusnya sih fashion blogger lebih untuk mengapresiasi dunia fashion & industri fashion , eksistensi cuma side effect aja dari totalitas apresiasi yg di berikan di dunia fashion :)


Language: English