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Sex itu penting ga sih kak ivan?

Penting dong ...kalo ga ada sex nanti ga jelas sex km wanita apa pria

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What's your personality test result?

Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds

Menurutmu, dinamika kehidupan itu seperti apa sih?:)

Seperti lirik lagu Good charlotte ini ...persis 👌🏻
https://youtu.be/cxh201gl0hYivanvictorlucas’s Video 137656502271 cxh201gl0hYivanvictorlucas’s Video 137656502271 cxh201gl0hY
Let's go now, it's open season
Going through these life changes
Gotta keep my feet moving
I'm looking up at the sky
Gotta keep my eyes open
Gonna keep my mind racing
I keep on trying to fly
We almost died
Learning how to survive the fast life
You know they say that nothing lasts forever
You know they said we'd never stay together
It's a long way down, can't turn back now
Going through these life changes
Going through these life changes
Let's go!
Yeah we always try to stand up to the lies
We said we'll never give up 'til we die
And try to help our friends, we learn to live again
We'll never say it's over 'til the end
Don't you know that life changes?
You know that love changes
The pain, it rearranges
Best friends become strangers
Don't you know that life changes?
You know that love changes
The pain, it rearranges
Best friends become strangers
So you get up and shake it off
Smile at everyone you meet
Put your best foot forward, chip on your shoulder
It's like you can't be beat
It's like we can't be beat

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ivanvictorlucas’s Video 137656502271 cxh201gl0hYivanvictorlucas’s Video 137656502271 cxh201gl0hY

Hei ! Nanya ya, apakah kepribadian seseorang bisa dilihat dari akun media sosialnya ? Contoh seperti : "Akun instagram yang sering mengupload musically adalah orang yang ceria dan percaya diri" Minta pendapatnya ya ! :) Have a nice day..

I don't think so, berdasarkan pengalaman punya beberapa temen yg eksis ootd d Instagram tp d dunia nyata dia takut keramaian, atau ada jg yg terlihat classy some kind of lady like with vintage style tp di real life fashion dia ga seperti itu dan kelakuannya sangat jauh dr lady like :)
Ada juga yg you see what you get jg, tp itu semua tergantung pribadi orang itu sendiri.
Tapi kalau semua kepalsuan itu mendatangkan keuntungan buat kamu go for it then!
Yang pasti krn km mengunakan socmed jgn membandingkan hidup kamu dengan hidup org lain di socmed, belum tentu mereka lebih bahagia dari kamu ✌🏻️

ka kalo internetan biasanya pake provider apa dan harganya berapa?

Pake XL paket COMBO XTRA 19gb 89rb 30hr ...Murah bgt kan? Yuk aktifkan .... Lah ko gw jd kaya kokoh kokoh itc jualan pulsa 😪


Language: English