

Ask @jacknapier95

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Do you think the Illuminati is a real organization?

victoriannem9’s Profile PhotoVictoria
It once was and that is a part of historical record, however I do believe that it was completely dissolved by the church and the ruling class at the time. It was basically a meeting of people with similar views of the enlightenment at the time that were considered radical to the establishment of the church and aristocracy
Liked by: Victoria

What made you sign up for AskFm?

To say to hi to someone that was everything to me at one point in my life and haven’t spoken in almost a decade

Do u feel comfortable around others

I’m fairly socially awkward and so it really depends on kind of the group people and the vibes I guess

What is your dream job?

victoriannem9’s Profile PhotoVictoria
I think being a professional third party comic book grader at one of the two bigger companies would be pretty cool. Get to see some stuff that you’ll never see again
Liked by: Victoria

Are you happy where you are in life right now?

I’d be lying if I said yes. I’ve had a few major setbacks so it’s a lot harder to get back that was lost. I’m trying to remind me myself that life isn’t a race to the top

Do you think there will be a WWIII soon ?

victoriannem9’s Profile PhotoVictoria
I’m really hoping that cooler heads prevail but it seems that our department of defense is active preparing for a conflict in the Pacific that may start sometime 2024-2025

What school did you like more? Elementary, middle, high school?

I’d have to say elementary because I was way more curious and eager to learn and that just kinda faded as I went through schools

If cars weren’t an option, what other transportation would you take?

I guess if I lived in a more urban setting probably light rail or subway of some kind

Should you say excuse me after you burp

I try to but I don’t expect everyone to conform to what I consider proper manners

🎶 what's your favorite musical?

poetalunam’s Profile Photola mantra mori.
The one that’s shown kinda briefly in Forgetting Sarah Marshall that is supposed to be in the works by itself called Dracula lol

One has to go: cheese quesadillas or Doritos loco taco?

Damn another tough one but gonna have to be quesadillas


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