
jade hop

Ask @jadehopovac

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why are you so moody at school :L you like slam doors and throwed a chair before

school makes me moody and so does the people in it... well urm I like to slam doors and throw chairs so like ye
Liked by: Potassium

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21. Is there anything that nobody knows about you? 22. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? 23. Has anyone said you had amazing eyes? 24. What do you prefer the most? The single life or the relationship life! 25. If you could have picked your name, what would you call yourself?

21. So many things 22. Sloth because theyre amazing and interesting :') :') 23. No because my eyes are ugly and look like mud pools off shit 24. Dont mind but I like being jn a relationship 25. Not sure but something Bosnian!
Liked by: Potassium

18. Honest opinion on yourself? 19. (I generally don't know if girls do it but be honest) Have you ever looked at a girl and be like "dayummmm"? 20. What do you look for in a guy?

18. I think I can have 'pretty days' and 'ugly days'.. surprised I can get a boy friend sometimes hahha 19. Yes I have many times 20. No clingyness, good looking, puts in effort, makes me feel special and for him to be laid back
Liked by: Potassium

13. Are you good at dancing? 14. What do you prefer, hot drinks or cold? 15. If you could knick something off a boy, which he is wearing, what would it be? (i.e; hat, big jumper, etc.) 16. Opinion on people who self harm and put your personal thoughts in? 17. Who do you love the most in your family?

13. No way-.- 14. Hot drinks 15. Jumper or hoodie 16. Hmm well i think people don't just do it because they feel like it, they do it for a reason. Generally that reason is because they don't know how to deal with something any other way than this. It is not a brave thing to do but it isn't cowardly, so they obviously need help? Its not necessarily a shout for attention, it's a cry for help. I think its fucking disgusting how someone could bully someone to the point they feel the need to harm themselves in any way or anything. Ive been through it and im always here for anyone who needs to talk , doesn't matter who you are :) 17. Ergh I cant pick tbh :')
Liked by: Potassium

7. Best friend? and what makes her your best friend. 8. What's the best thing an guy can do for you? 9. Favorite drink? (non alcoholic/normal) 10. What do you prefer, answering questions or dishing out questions too people? 11. What do you like, piercings or tattoos? 12. Favorite Sport?

7. Natalie is my main best friend, I have more but she means the world to me and she knows everything about me... shes my shoulder to cry on all the time! ! 8. Just be sweet, lay under the stars with me and have a cute long talk 9. Coke or fanta orange 10. Hmm answering cos im shit at asking 11. I like both but I prefer tattoos! 12. None im too lazy

1. Where do you want to move in the future? 2. Do you want kids? if so how many? 3. What's the weirdest thing you have ever tasted? 4. How many times have you dyed your hair? if so what colors? 5. What do prefer, Cats or dogs? 6. Favorite Fruit?

1. Hmm anywhere warm abroad thats nice! 2. Yes, most would probably be 4/5.. dont want too many little shits ;) 3. Some sweet bosnian food, it was rank! 4. Erm many times, ive had black, blue, purple, pink :D 5. Dogs definitely 6. Oranges and bananas
Liked by: Potassium

what piercings fo you have

erm belly, 2 normal ones in my left ear and one on the middle ish off my ear... 2 normal on my right ear :)
Liked by: Potassium


Language: English