
jade hop

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I heard josh has a 10incher?

ohhhhh yeh!
mate, you seen it?
man fucking dingo
Lol jk not Mandingo
Yes it's huge babe

okay :3 compliment-you're funny rate=8 question 1) who's the best person on ask? (tag them) question 2) what's your favourite type of easter egg?

Jesus II
Awh thanks :)) Okk er 1) myself. 2) kinder egg!!!! X

How meny people died in the Bosnia genocide? did you lose family in it xx

I don't actually know, but hundreds of thousands.. Yeah i did unfortunately xxx

how religious are Bosnian Albanian or Persian people?

Erm okay well In Albania and Bosnia they're not so religious.. So like if they wanna drink, they drink! If they wanna smoke tobacco or weed then they do as they please! but you tend to find more Muslim women wearing hijab in England and other countries, then you do in Albania n Bosnia. Religion isnt a big part of us bosnians or Albanians culture. There are more important things, like erm family, school, friendship, work etc. An easier explanation of all this is basically: CULTURE=/=RELIGION. Nobody forces them to be religious, is the choice they make. There are countries that force this tho, but not Albania or Bosnia.


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