
jade hop

Ask @jadehopovac

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he is such an idiot if you are

the only idiot is you mate
get the fuck off anon
cos then maybe just maybe
I'll actually care what you have to say

wait wait wait, are you and josh back on it?:L

wait wait wait, who are you?
And I fucking hate that face with all my heart.
Like seriously, ':L' just angers me looking at it -.-

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not asking but your really beautiful;) x x x

Are you being sarcastic?ahahaha but thank you if you're not?!?-.- x x x

Have you ever wore a skirt on a windy day? Were you able to hold your skirt down or was the wind too strong? tell story

This is a rather weird question.. But yes I have, er once the wind blew it up hahhaa it was SO embarrasing cause I was walking from town to grafton then it got windy and I didn't hold my skirt down in time and everyone stared and a group of boys were laughing :|
Liked by: HarryRampley

If u didnt have a bf i wuld sexually destroy you. You my type forsure

BInyah Binyah poll
I don't have a boyfriend
But that's slightly weird tho
P.s how can I be your type when you hardly know me lolzZ

Why out of all your ex'es do you only miss josh??

Because I still love him, plus like I've had a couple bad choice of boyfriends in the past :p


Language: English