
jade hop

Ask @jadehopovac

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you seem nice, why do you hate most of the human race?

they just piss me off tbh
some ppl are gr8 tho xoxo

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If you was reading a book and you realised it was about you and you life, would you read it to the end.

Yes, yes I would

Best day of your life? Ever had a near death experience? Special talents? Last time you cried? Somebody you can tell everything to?x

My birthday... Yeah, almost drowned on holiday & I can't swim... No special talents.... About a week ago I think.... My nana julie x

☝Have you evah had to go through the experience of a wicked bad hook up? Like oh mah gawd, cant even fake a smile type shytt.. ✌What's the worst and/or best date you've evah been on? &&☝☝☝what are yer biggest turn offs?

Hmm once I have hahah but I was with my mates too lol & never actually go on dates tbh O.o biggest turn offs are the boy having a shit personality & being no fun!

did you write all of that? <3

No that's why I said read that first :)) but I added the last little bit, i read it a while back and thought it was good...<3

((carried on))

jade hop
And believe me, you don’t want to get involved with the monster of self harming. Also when you want to cut take a pen (felt tip, marker, byro or whatever - anything friendly) and draw the marks on your skin where you want to cut, it will help cos it's an alternate to harming yourself physically.

tell me what you think of it all self harm everything, i need help to stop but nothing help me. none of my friends care or bother th me they think I am some emo freak

Right im just warning you this may be very long okay :)) but before i give my opinions... Read this-
Before you self harm in any way, you should make sure you know what youre getting into. before you make that cut, keep in mind that you will find the pain release and blood strangely addictive. youll probably think to yourself that you'll be able to control it, that you wont let it get out of hand, that you can just stick to a few small, shallow cuts here and there that wont be deep and that will heal quickly and easily. But thats where you're wrong. you cant control it, its impossible to control. it controls you. its an addiction. The cuts will get deeper, they'll scar. they'll take weeks to months to heal and years for the scars to actually begin to fade. you'll find that soon, you depend on it. you cant go more than a few days without cutting. you'll go crazy as your skin itches and burns, your hands shake, your head pounds, your vision goes blurry as you try to keep your mind off it, try to hold back from giving in. but you will. if you think you can limithe cuts to just one area of your body, you better think again. it'll spread slowly but steadily, like a deadly virus. it'll spread as you run out of skin, from your wrists to arms, past your elbows, up your shoulders down to your stomach, across your hips and waist. i hope youre prepared to withdraw from others and live in a constant state of shame and guilt. even if you have been the most honest person to ever live, you will lie to your friends, family members, everyone around you who you care about. be prepared to become your own worst enemy. you'll fear yourself, your head, the urges that taunt you every minute of every day. you'll come to fear the next time you cut becos you dont know how bad it'll be. like wait for the 10 cuts to turn into 20 then 50 then 100. you'll be covered in scars and cuts. your entire life will begin to revolve around your addiction. you'll constantly be thinking about cutting, covering up your cuts, how you'll hide your blades, scissors, bobby pins & the other objects you use to destroy your body. and then..the first time that you cut 'too deep' then well, the bleeding wont stop and you're gasping, shaking, panicking, fear takes over you. you pray and hope that the bleeding will stop. your purpose wasnt to die, you wont ever go that deep again. right? wrong. You’ll go there again, and deeper, you hope someone sees and asks, so you know they care. You won’t be able to make it a day without cutting.Say goodbye to all of the things you took for granted. Shorts, sandals, tank tops, swimming in the summer, going to the beach. All of these things will be a far off memory.You’ll hate yourself, hate yourself for making that first cut that threw you into this vicious, neverending cycle. You’ll wish you never made that first cut. How to self harm. Here is where I tell you how to successfully hurt yourself; put down the blade. Know why? Because you are so much better than t

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