
jade hop

Ask @jadehopovac

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If i see you walking around you and your friend the one with small eyes with drinks i'm gonna call the police

I never walk arouns with drinks you cretin
yeah call the police cos im walking round with a ribena or fucking fanta in my hand

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you've lived almost your whole life here .. everybody knows you do i wish your friends would tell the truth than feed you lies

I never said I was born in bosnia, but I ssaid my family are. just leave your points are majorly invalid

1. i'm not English or american so i'm free to do English mistakes but her she's got no fucking excuse and you seriously need anger management you sad lil cunt

my whole family are foreign? and oh god just shut up. I dont need anger management youre just annoying

Saying shit about her grammar when you put spaces in between the word and commas/fullstop, clap clap fucktard

ah thank you hallelujah !

I'm leaving you alone but one thing you need to know is YOU FUCKING NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT -Peace

no I dont you just need to fuck off and mind your own business you prick
and if you want to rant on anymore dont be a little bitch over anonymous :D

I don't know you well , you're probably good at other subjects frankly you seem quite smart but your grammar doesn't make sense and you just overreact stuff . you're only 15 so you need to take things a lot easier don't you think?

do you know what you need to take?

okay seriously i'm not trying to put you down but you seriously need to pay more attention in class your friends are just gonna make you feel better not tell you the truth you know it .

oh my fucking god Fuck OFF
I do pay attention in school actually as much as I hate it, do you even fucking know me well? no. clearly not

1. your spelling is shit 2. grammar 0 :)

1. my spelling isnt shit but my grammar probably is
2. I give no shits what so ever

i won't fuck myself because i'm not you

oh yeah I totally do it every day just casually fucking myself enit you absolute mong head


Language: English