
Jennifer Gault

Ask @jenjenlovesyoubitches

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Do you miss him?

ofc i fucking miss him. this is the stupidest question ive ever got. Try losing someone who was an idol to you, someone who loved you no matter what, someone you loved with all your heart then ask yourself if you miss them. Dumb cunt

People... And Facebook and text

Well sometimes I don't feel like talking to people so I ignore them. Message me now maybe ?

U ignore a lot of people who just say hay, maybe instead of ignoring them you could be nice and say hi back, wouldn't hurt

When do I ignore them? And on what?

you deserve a lot better than nic. js

Cute but its up to me who I have a thing with. I like him for him. I don't care about what he's done in the past. Now stop with all the questions . this is the last one I'm answering


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