
Jennifer Gault

Ask @jenjenlovesyoubitches

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Gorgeous girl you're loved by many including myself, fuck these stupid Anons thinking they know, you don't have to justify jack shit to any one, if it were there fucking business they'd know. Love you girl ❤️ xx

thank you.
love you too xx <3
Liked by: rebekah-anne beans

I'm not being mean but my dad passed away and when he did people on ask.fm gave me sympothy and that was really nice of them so don't tell them F off. And I am actually really sorry

idgaf hah leave.

Fucking good on you for telling the anons where to stick it hun, it's non of there business if they're trynna show there support to you and you don't want it, it's your choice. Do what you want and the best way you can to deal with it. <3

hard out :) thanks <3
Liked by: Chantelle Chappell

Stay strong baby ! And how dare you guys give her greef about how her father died! It's a personal thing to ask someone so if she doesn't want to tell you leave it as that r.i.p Glenn/father you'll be turkey missed I love you jenn I'm here for you come to mine whenever you want!!!!

thank you baby xx

I do know how he died . And I do actually hope your coping alright xx

honestly just fuck off hah.

I'm not hating or anything but even though your dad died it doesn't mean you can talk to people like that. I understand your grieving but there is no need to abuse someone for telling you to stay strong.

I will say and do what I want. they are trying to say that they fucking know how he died. i dont give a fuck ifvtheyvknow how. they won't know all the details so fuck off.

Hope your alright, heard how your dad died </3 stay strong xxx

idgaf if you heard fuck off. I hate people thinking they know.
Liked by: sam

show abit of respect the jennifer and her family, how heartless can you be too ask someone how there father died, maybe if you were actually close enough to her maybe you would actually know but ovibously you are just an outsider wanting gossip, stay strong beautiful head up ♥

thank you :) yeh hard people im close with know <3
Liked by: sam

I'm sorry I'm not meaning to be rude, I'm just really curious how your father died. I understand if you don't want to answer this, so don't if you don't feel comfortable talking about it. I feel for you, my father also died a few years back and that really shook me. I hope you're okay

I'm not comfortable saying

H/o? :*

aw poppy :) your super cute :) gorgeous as. legit hair. perfect body. real nice. funny :*


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