
Jennifer Gault

Ask @jenjenlovesyoubitches

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i actually think im inlove with you everything about you is perfect why can i just walk up to you and kiss you and tell you i love you and stare into your eyes forever. YOUR PERFECT. <3 xoxox

wow. this shits deep aint it.. ._. um message me? but thanks i guess

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is that your baby?? your body is like perfect, like no stretch marks! or is your sisters?

mine mateeey :)

i really dislike u. ur a try hard, u put on a fake act around older people, u think ur all that noe your at college, ur a year 9 so no just no. the guyschat u up tink cse ur a year 9 tht ur dumb and they can fuck u, wake up jennifer thy dnt like u for ur personalietty u shld knw them like i du

everyone has opinions.. and i dont act 'fake' around older people thats me? maybe you actually get to know me before you go judging. yeh what? im year 9.. whopty fucking do everyone will be one day? i dont chat up people? i like one person and that person only. honestly get over yourself. and how do you know they dont like me for my personality? maybe your wrong ahhahahaha i probably do know then like you do.. ;)

you are on of the most beautiful girls i know i would love to make you mine you are my dream girl i hope i have the chance to get a girl like you one day xx <3

aw thank you

poo; fuck off anon's! Jenn's fucking AMAZING! one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met! GO TO SPECK SAVERS! Ily Jeeeeeeennnn <33333

aw thank you babe <333333
Liked by: YungSharn

straight up jennifer is fukinng perf dont talkig shit bout her shes the sis shes been there for me through evrything u fuk wif her u fuk wif me i gotchu sis

Jordan Smith
Aw thanks Jordey :)

The guys that asked this "The black and white photo of you, that you just put up...... well, you look anarexix? and you we soooo trying to show of as much tits as you can, btw, you have major bags under your eyes:/ <3" He's and idiot if he has a problem of seeing you boobs :)

Didn't finish this but okay ;)


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