@jigsaw20216838#74 🇬🇧


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Latest answers from Jigsaw

People have bucket list but what is your anti- bucket list that you wouldn't do ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Bungee jump
Scuba diving
Maldives/Carribbean (if I'm just going to sit on the beach, which is not my sort of holiday anyway, I'll do it closer to home).

Could you survive in the wild ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Probably. I think I have the necessary skills to make tools and to construct a shelter. And I reckon I could also make fire, and catch animals and fish and forage for food.

Mention three advantages of being a woman vs being a man.

novenaculebra’s Profile PhotoSigrid
In some countries you can retire earlier.
You can have children, if you wish.
You get a much wider choice of clothing in the shops, both style and colours.

If your nurse gave you overdose of medication ...or she forgot to give you your medication once or twice... Then would you be happy for her to continue taking care of you ?

Absolutely not. That is their primary responsibility.

Have you ever been to one of those 1950’s American diners? And if not, would you ever go?

DrAnonStar12376148’s Profile Photo♚ ♔ ӨMZ ♔ ♚
Yes, I've been to one in Ryde on the Isle of a Wight, and one in Chatham, Kent. I've also been to a few in America, including one at Graceland and one near the Grand Canyon.

Is it strange that I don’t online shop directly I get people to do it but transfer them the cash because I don’t trust online shopping?

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbaz
I can understand why, but there are other things you could do. For example, you could open a separate bank account, one which doesn't allow overdrafts, and fund that with a small amount of money, maybe £100, and use their debit card for online purchases and nothing else, then top it up as necessary. Then whatever happens you can never lose more than £100. There are also pre-pay credit cards which work on a similar basis, that you add cash onto before you spend it.

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Who do you think deserve praise?

I don't normally do this, but I'm going to mention a user that I discovered recently: @reeniiemo
I know that I'm probably going to embarrass her by singing her praises, but I find her writings to be very intelligent, thoughtful and honest, befitting of someone twice her age, yet also with a youthful joy and innocence. Go check out her account.

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