
Слабоумие и отвага.

Latest answers from Слабоумие и отвага.

What do you think about Tom Cruise returned the Golden Globes ?

He’s becoming irrelevant so did it for the publicity

why can’t I stop thinking about my ex?

Because apparently you have 9 lives, so you have a lot of time to waste?

Remember, your time is a resource that cannot be replenished. You can choose to spend your time on being stuck on people from the past or you can chose to keep living your life.

Is it alright when you're married to see who you want to see?

Depends. What if you want to go see your ex and have a threesome with her/him and their friend? ?

Do you have beat up legs ? What is the worst thing you have ever smelled ? Are you over 21 ?

Is this the part where you offer me $$$ for feet pics?

Language: English