
715 people

50 posts


What's one thing you would change about yourself?

xXMaryKiller’s Profile PhotoArlee Queen
On an internal level, I would like to have more confidence and less anxiety when it comes to socializing and interpersonal relationships. This is one of the things I'm currently working on in therapy, though.
Externally? I'd like to lose a bit more weight. At this point in time though, I'm not fretting about it. I've been on a weight loss journey since late 2022 and I'm very pleased with the progress I have made so far. I'm also happy and confident in what my body currently looks like, despite not being at the "goal" weight I set for myself.
I will continue working towards my goal at some point, but it won't be until after my wedding and my honeymoon (both of which are in September). 💕

Stress sy Kesy nekla jay ....?

At times, we feel stuck, literally unable to move in any direction, and it consumes us. Anxiety overwhelms any positive thoughts and drags us through peculiarities. What to do at this point? Change! Bring that change.
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat negative thoughts.
Sweat ∝ Feeling Relaxed.
Start with a concentrated morning ritual: drink water, eat something healthy, and go for a meditation session in the fresh air. That inhale-to-exhale shift with closed eyes will allow peace to flow through your veins. After opening your eyes, you will feel more vigilant and energetic to start your day.
Still feeling anxious? Here’s a personal trick to overcome it: start doing choreography. It’s one of the best ways to feel happy, and you can later flaunt your moves at wedding events. 😉

Do introverts have fomo sometimes?

As an introvert, I do. I’ve been told that I’m not a shy person since I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone one on one and I’ve even went as far as to sing for choir back when my social anxiety wasn’t that bad. Over the years, my anxiety got worse and I couldn’t get myself to talk to anyone but whenever I’d see people around me having a nice conversation, I’d get jealous because I wasn’t having fun like them. As long as I don’t overhear other people having a nice conversation in front of me and keep myself busy somehow, I don’t worry too much about what I’m missing out on. I also have a competitive side to me that comes out when I’m good at something but can’t always express myself the way I want to. That doesn’t mean the desire to be seen and acknowledged by others doesn’t exist tho.

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❗️🏻 If you don't have health anxiety, please delete this question. How do you calm yourself down whenever you get extremely anxious about your health? 😓

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Although I don't have it but I'll sure try to help a friend 😅
5 Ways to cope with health anxiety
⅕... Remember that your body sends you signals all the time.
⅖... Get comfortable with new sensations.
⅗... Try not to self-diagnose.
⅘... Recognize and challenge unhelpful thoughts.
5... Seek help.
If you dont have health anxiety  please delete this question How do you calm

What's your best desire

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
To be stronger than my anxiety, to have better studying habits and get used to doing things I don’t really like in order to accomplish a goal in the end, to have more opportunities to socialize irl, and to feel comfortable working out at the gym like I used to in the past.

Why does being around a bunch of people make me feel worthless? Do you feel like this too? I have felt like this for several months. At my job, at home around my family whatever I do or try my best with a task I never feel valued, and I feel unloved. I have social anxiety so I'm not sure if it'sthat

My advice will be if you value and love yourself first you shouldn’t get bothered how others treat and think of you.
Know your worth and distance yourself from people who no longer align with you mentally, emotionally, physically, or energetically, rather try to surround yourself with people who know your worth.
Understand you don’t need too many people in your life, just a few real ones who will appreciate you for exactly who you are and that’s more than enough. 💯👌

Do you consider yourself good looking?

Yes sometimes, sometimes not! Normalise there are times when you can be good looking and feel ugly. you can sound confident and have anxiety. you can look healthy but feel like shit. you can look happy but miserable inside.
So be kind, every person is fighting a battle you know nothing about! 🙌♥️
Do you consider yourself good looking

What is something on your mind that you really wanna talk about ?

anonstar6478556’s Profile Photoanonstar6478556
I’ve been home for the most part since 2020 and it’s mostly my social anxiety that’s been holding me back from working somewhere but lately, it’s been harder to cope with the boredom that comes with not having variety in my life. I find myself complaining about the same problems to my parents who can’t really help me at this point since they think it’s up to me to make the change happen. My younger brother and sister are outside more often than I am and watching them leave while I force myself to repeat the previous day all over again just isn’t alright with me anymore.

Can humans change their behaviour if given enough time?

ibnadam5’s Profile PhotoAHAD
Humans don't change their behavior, no matter how much time they are given. Their behavior changes as a consequence of the ups and downs in their lives. Some let their behavior be shaped by the bitterness they feel as a result of anger and anxiety, while others try to keep their behavior in check because they still care.

Do you chew gum? If so, what's your favorite flavor? 🌿🍉🍓🍊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not really. I kept some around for awhile because it was supposed to help with nerves & anxiety (it didnt) but I just got whatever they had at the gas station. I think it was orange lol.

I sent an email to someone (I had to use emails to be more formal) and the person emailed back and I'm so not mentally prepared to open it. I wish I hadn't sent it.

I’ve been there so many times. I had severe online social anxiety for so long. Still do in certain situations. I wait until I feel ready to open messages. In some cases, it may be forever. That’s how it used to be and I still reserve that right. Give yourself time.

What does it mean to be a good person?

It means not feeling the need to remind others of how good of a person you are because your actions and words speak for themselves. A good person wouldn’t feel the need to put someone down or make others feel bad about the things they don’t have control over (such as those who have anxiety, depression, and/or other struggles) just because they themselves can’t relate to them. It means choosing to communicate rather than being passive aggressive or making others go against a certain person due to a misunderstanding. It means not doing something just to spite someone or hurt them deliberately, even if they hurt you because you know that you’re better than that.

Have you ever been on holiday by yourself?

No, but I envy people who are able to! I haven't got the confidence to holiday alone. I also struggle with anxiety and rely a lot on other people, so it just wouldn't be an option for me. I tend to get scared at airports and have panic attacks and I don't take trains by myself for the same reason. I think it's cool for people to holiday alone and enjoy their own company, though. My friend did it once and she felt so much better for it!

Do you believe in "fake it, till you make it" ?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I don’t think it works unless you truly want to become the kind of person you aspire to be like. I tried to do that with my anxiety but it didn’t work, most likely because I was still very much worried about what people might think about me and I let my thoughts dictate my actions. If you let your actions take precedence over your thoughts, then perhaps it’ll work. Also, if you have a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset, you’ll probably find yourself stuck in the same place without much change. For example, you can fake confidence all you want but if you keep telling yourself that you don’t matter and that you look like a fool in public, you’ll probably never be self confident due to your negative thoughts that hold you back. It’s more about training your brain to think more positively and/or letting your actions speak louder than your thoughts.

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What’s a moment that you can remember where it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I avoided swimming in PE back when I was in high school because I was insecure about the way I’d look in front of my classmates by not wearing a regular swim suit and instead wearing athletic clothes to the pool. Unlike my previous gym teacher, the new one didn’t let me get away with not swimming and when I offered to walk upstairs instead, she said that wasn’t an option and that I’d get a bad grade for not participating in swimming. I ended up preparing myself to swim and when I offered to make up for the days I didn’t swim with my classmates and she said that that’s fine. The day came and anxiety held me back so I chickened out and ended up not swimming, instead choosing to stay in the school’s office and talking to a worker there. The female office worker reassured me that I’ll be fine when I told her how nervous I was to come face to face with my gym teacher due to not showing up to make up for my lost swimming sessions. The next time I had gym, I had to face my gym teacher and surprisingly, she wasn’t mad at me at all or at least she didn’t look mad or disappointed. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders and attempted to roller skate that day because we moved onto roller skating. I got away with not swimming and passed the class since it was just swimming that I couldn’t get myself to do even tho I somewhat knew how to swim.

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Do you think it's weird that I haven't really made new friends in years? All my friends that I regularly talk to I've known for years. I haven't really made a new friend since like 2020 when my friend was bored during the lockdown and introduced me to her friend, who later became mine too.

I don’t think that’s weird at all. I haven’t made new friends in person for years myself and the friends that I have now (which I don’t have many) are those I’ve known since childhood or ones that I’ve met online. I separated from my friend group when I was a freshman in high school since the friends that I hung out with the year before have moved away and I wasn’t close to anyone from school so I kept to myself. I was more of a recluse when I started going to college due to the pandemic and since I took all online classes, I didn’t meet anyone new. I’m still taking all online classes when I’m able to due to having social anxiety and only have online friends at the moment. Someone I have mutual friends with moved into our neighborhood recently and she’s around my age so maybe we’ll become friends.

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mental health check in. how are you doing mentally? ❤️

x3_bebesota’s Profile PhotoJazMarie ✨
I think I'm going to do a social media break for my mental health.
As of right now I've gone from anxiety over what's happening in the country to just downright full blown depressive episode and the more I see of the new things being passed the worse my anxiety gets which makes my episode worse and it's becoming a cycle. I haven't slept for nearly 24 hours lmao.

Have you ever regretted being kind to someone? Why or why not?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yes but only because they did me wrong. Someone in high school tried to help me with my anxiety in class and I genuinely thought they were nice but the year after that, we didn’t have any classes together. When I reached out to them a year later by replying to their Snapchat story and telling them that if they ever needed anything I’d always be there for them,
I got blocked. I was kind and didn’t think they’d do that so I felt hurt and didn’t understand why they did that and the only possibility I could think of was that they wanted to hurt me. Also, the friends that I’d reach out to every once in a while unfollowing me on Instagram and never once reaching out to me made me feel like I was wasting my time in the past (when I use to have conversations with them) so I wondered if being nice wasn’t enough to keep them around.

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اتكلموا عن احلي شعور مريتم بيه

شعور السكينه 💗
لما تبقي قلقان وعندك anxiety مهما تتكلم وتشوف حلول هنا وهنا وتوقف كل دا وتسبح ربك وتستغفره وقلبك بيتعصر حرفيا وفجأة قلبك يرتاح وتحس انك مطمن وروحك هدت 💗

According to research, the human brain comprehends patterns faster than we can mentally understand them. Have you ever felt this “6th sense,” where you knew how things were going to turn out and act accordingly?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yes, there were many times when I sensed the outcome of a situation and I was right about it. The times that I usually prepare myself for what I sense is going to happen is when my obsessive and intrusive thoughts take place. I do everything I can to avoid certain situations that will result in me performing compulsions, reinforcing the intrusive thoughts I have and making my anxiety worse. It’s a vicious cycle.

What do you believe is overrated?

this is what the world teaches us, that love is painful, lovers are heartless, the pain is love.
The younger you are the more you want someone that challeges your existence.
The harder it is to love the more you intend to do the efforts.
The more painful it gets the more pleasure seek out of it.
But it took ME fu*kin 10 years to understand..
The love, is easy.
The love, is trusthworthy.
The love, is happiness.
The love, is care.
The love, is respect.
The love, is all peace.

Ya'all wasting your time around someone you cant trust on your back, someone who needs your constant efforts, who keeps you sad and frustrated, who shouts and yells, who never there to sooth you, to look after your wounds .. he/she dont deserve your LOVE.
if your SO CALLED LOVE, gives you
pain, the stress, anxiety, depression, anger and self doubt.

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What is your latest non-academic/work related accomplishment? Can be anything, personal growth, physical/mental health, volunteering, charity work, etc. 😌

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I'm doing really well in my exposure therapy and anxiety wise I'm feeling pretty good. I also restarted the gym again a few weeks ago and I'm feeling good. Obviously no where near where I wanna be AND I had stomach bug and didn't eat for 3 days because of it during this time but I see some progress already if i dare say

If my late grandma had a personality disorder, is it possible that I or other family members could have got it? We don't know her exact diagnosis, as these things were rarely discussed 50 years ago, but she might have been bipolar or schizoaffective. She committed s*cide when her kids were little.

It is possible but it depends on what kind of mutations you received through the ADN. 😊
I have read something very interesting that says “80% of your happiness and well-being depends on your parents and family. Bad moods, bad behaviour, and mental illness as simple as anxiety can be passed to us through genes. Also food habits. For example, if your parents used to eat a lot of fast food and are forever unhappy and complaining about their life, when you grow up as a kid you will start adopting the same behaviour”

Have you ever met someone on here in your actual if so was it a good experience

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
Yes, I've met someone in real life that I met on Ask. I won't lie and say it wasn't awkward at times, but overall it was a great experience. He's a really lovely guy, and I genuinely consider him a friend. It was difficult as I struggled with my anxiety, but I'm glad we met properly. He isn't active on here anymore, but we keep in touch through other social media. It's been about seven or eight years since we met on Ask. 🙂

Kawałek realnej przestrzeni.

i'm not crazy, if that's what you're thinking.
i mean, there's the ADHD, the anxiety, the PTSD, the depression, the crushing loneliness and the active imagination that helps me cope with all of that, but like, maybe that's the only sane response to an insane world.
you know what i'm saying?
Kawałek realnej przestrzeni

Why do you choose to persist?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Because I have good days; plenty of them. I go to university and everybody compliments me after noticing a little change, I tell my mum I don't feel pretty and she retorts by singing songs to tell me that I am gorgeous, the breeze never misses me, my sister likes the name of a movie and her first thought is to ask me to watch it with her, my friends are gentle with their words because they know I can be sensitive, my dearest friend knew my walking schedule before I ever did, my friend turn to me whenever she's having an anxiety attack, and the president of my drama club hugged me to desperately thank me for performing.
Life is harsh but days are gentle. Let me end my yap with my favourite quote ever, “I guess I love this life in spite of my clenched fist.”

how do you start a conversation?

cuntcore92031’s Profile Photocuntcore
On here? You just have to ask questions that you think might be relevant to some people and with the responses you get, you can reply back. In person, I usually compliment someone or sometimes I hear people in front of me have a conversation and I join in (which is how I made a friend in 6th grade but sadly, idk what she’s up to these days). I usually can’t stand awkward silences but I put up with them when my social anxiety got worse because I couldn’t get myself to talk/speak up in front of others in a classroom setting as I got older. I no longer have friends that I meet up with in person because they all moved away and so did I. I also just find it easier to communicate online.

Some souls suffer silently

rarelust’s Profile PhotoSyeda Hoor
Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. Nothing hurts a good soul and a kind heart more than to live amongst people who cannot understand it. Life consists of two days, one for you one against you.
Imam Ali (A.S)
Excerpt from Nahaj ul Blagha

What's your relationship with unknown phone calls? Do you answer them or ignore them? 🔌☎️ If you don't pick up when unknown numbers call, what would it take for you to answer those calls?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Ooof… Phone calls, for the most part, give me ✨anxiety. ✨Only exception being a handful of people I know well and am comfortable with. Unknown phone calls freak me out to be honest, I almost never answer them unless I have a specific reason to.
For example, there are a few “unknown” callers I have to answer that are healthcare related, but I know about it and I’m expecting it so it’s a little different. However, that’s as far as I go. And I mean, even when I’m expecting those calls, anything to do with healthcare gives me anxiety regardless. 😅😂 So I guess what it would take for me to answer unknown callers is 1) expecting them due to a specific circumstance, or 2) if they leave me a voicemail identifying who they are and why they’re calling, and I feel it’s important to answer and/or return said call. If that makes sense. 🤔

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Whats your relationship with unknown phone calls Do you answer them or ignore

Were you almost always the student with good grades or mediocre grades?

Good but I wasn’t into it. I was just naturally good at school work. I had a lot of anxiety issues so it probably affected my entire school experience. I did it because I was forced to until I wasn’t and began schooling at home by choice.

Is it strange that I always kept quiet in school due to having social anxiety? I went to school with the same people from middle school to high school yet was hardly ever open to having conversations with my peers & after I graduated, I didn’t hear from anyone again. Did you keep in touch w/ others?

Maybe not strange as such but a little surprising you didn’t make a few friends of note at school I guess.
My longer term school friends came from sports teams not school classes as such though 😂😂😂

How often do you procrastinate? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Often… More often that I’d care to admit. 🥲 I’m actually procrastinating as we speak. I really need to do some medical stuff, but have been largely avoiding it because it’s very overwhelming and anxiety inducing. 😩
I really would like to stop doing so, as it doesn’t do me any good. But it’s certainly a lot harder to stop than it seems. And the thing that is so frustrating about it is that I procrastinate doing things I actively don’t want to do, so then they weigh on me super heavily. Instead of getting them out of the way so I can just focus on the things I really enjoy. 🥴
How often do you procrastinate

What has been on your mind lately?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
How to keep myself busy during the summer without triggering my social anxiety but also something that will keep me mentally preoccupied enough to not be as depressed as I usually am. I was having a conversation with my mom yesterday and she said that I have to build better communication skills to get along with people irl but I’ve also been told that I’m an easy person to talk to so I’m confused. She says that I have to talk to people irl which isn’t a problem to me but my personality doesn’t easily mesh with other personalities so others tend to keep their distance whereas I’m more than willing to talk to anyone who tries talking to me in person. Being constantly told that I’m not doing enough and that I have poor communication skills is not only annoying but also discouraging for me.

Do you think it's common for ppl w/ social anxiety to overthink every social situation? The other day, I stopped by a fast food to pick up lunch and had a brief conv. w/ someone I hadn't seen in ages. Now, I keep thinking it might've been awkward. even though it's probably just in my head, lol.

As a person with social anxiety, I go through this frequently. Sometimes, when I don’t have anything to keep myself busy with mentally, I think about the previous conversations I’ve had and cringe at many of the things I’ve said and done in the past. I think with social anxiety, we pay too much attention to ourselves and tend to overthink many of the interactions we’ve had in the past when others probably aren’t even paying attention to what we say/do that much.

Do you prefer planning or improvising? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’m a planner. Improvising tends to give me a lot of anxiety, as I tend to fear things will fall apart if I don’t plan. Sure, I can allow for wiggle room depending on what it is, but it’s really hard to suppress the urge to plan everything down to the smallest detail. 😅😂
Do you prefer planning or improvising

Do you believe in the goodness of people?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I once lost my phone and a stranger let me borrow her phone, let me know about her whereabouts in case I needed her in the future, I once had a waitress explain the menu to me like I am a two years old – the only time I ordered without anxiety, I had a teacher who answered my every single question without ever berating me, my friends compromise on every single for me, my family massage my head whenever I have a headache.
Yes, I do believe in the goodness of people. I think humans are the cutest when they try to help other people out of goodness. Evil prevails, but goodness touches hearts.

Language: English