
Henry Manampiring

Ask @manampiring

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Om, gw anaknya ansos bgt. I'm not a nice person. Dan kebetulan gw kuliah di komunikasi. Salah jurusan gak ya kira-kira? (udah mau lulus baru merasa salah jurusan) Lulusan komunikasi tapi kerjaannya ketemu ama mesin apa ya om?

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om tanggal 29 november saya ML sama pacar pake kondom. jadwal mens semestinya 9 desember. tapi sampe sekarang blom M. pacar skrg panik. padahal saya dan pacar yakin tdk ada masalah saat itu. all clear. apa yg hrs kami perbuat :|

Baru juga telat 3 hari. Untuk bisa yakin bener harus tunggu sampai telat 9 bulan.
Kenapa gak pake Test Pack sih?

Hi, om. What do you think abt prenuptial agreement? Klo menurut aku sih penting, tp kadang klo ga bs jelasin dg benar ke pasangan/ keluarga bs 'mislead' ke arah "nikah tp persiapan cerai".

Ully Butarbutar
Kalau salah satu dari kamu punya usaha sendiri, atau berniat akan punya usaha sendiri, sebaiknya punya prenup. Jika usaha bangkrut, kerugian dan hutang usaha tidak perlu ikut ditanggung pasangan, jadi aman bagi seluruh keluarga.

Om is it embarrassing using online dating service to try finding a mate?

It is no more embarrassing than using a GPS to find address.
Online dating is just a technology. It helps us scan and find potential mates from our laptop or smartphone. No more than that. It is very helpful when you are too busy or too shy to introduce yourself to strangers at the bar.
The game is still the same. Meet the person, know him more, fall in or fall out.
So go ahead! Just make sure you don't get deceived by fake avatar :)

Om menurut om dosa nggak sih orang main tinju atau mma gitu?Kalo kita cuman sebagai penonton juga dosa nggak?kan kaya adu binatang gitu. Pliss jawab om,ayah suka nonton gituan soalnya

Lebih dosa sabung ayam sih menurut gw.
Olahraga fighting itu cabang olahraga resmi, dijaga wasit, dan dilakukan atas kemauan kedua belah pihak.
Mau tau yang lebih dosa? Ngeliat manusia memukuli dan menganiaya manusia lain hanya karena dia berbeda agama/kepercayaan dan kita diam saja. Protespun tidak.

om henry, kemaren aku nyoba2 personality reading pake nama, foto, sama tanggal lahir. katanya sih dia pake sixth sense gitu. berarti itu patut diwaspadai dong? yah kadung mbayar eh :(

Kayaknya sih kamu udah tertipu, hahaha.
Sudahlah, kenapa sih harus bayar2 segala untuk cari tahu "masa depan"? Write your own future!

om piiir,aku bolak balik nyariin bukunya om pir di gramed Solo ga nemu2!!! jd nya beli buku yg lain kaaan ARGH TANGGUNG JAWAB,OM!!!

Udah nanya sama stafnya gak? Harus ditanya.
Liked by: Nur Anisa

7) Friendzone ya ini? Bukan? Sampe skrng udah kuliah pun, dia seakan2 selalu menyiratkan buat nunggu selalu blg 'tunggu' sampe kapan coba om:( aku harus gimana om? Kalo mutusin buat udahan aja tapi berat aja gitu ngelepas sesuatu yang sebenernya ga ada. Menurut om gimana?:)

Anyway, looks like Friendzone to me. Keep your hope, but don't close doors to other nice guys who want to get closer to you too.

I'm a recently divorced 29 yo F. He cheated + verbally & physically abused me 1 year ago, I forgave him. But he didn't change at all. So this year we finally file a divorce. The thing is recently he wants to 'rujuk'. I explain that we better take separate ways, but he insists. What should I do?

Is there a child? If there is, I would say you need to consider rujuk.
If there is no child, it really depends whether you can still trust him or not.

Magnificent 7 Facebook. Yang semula gw anggap dewa penyelamat yang membawa kembali wanita idaman yang gw kira sudah hilang ditelan oleh waktu, menampar gw dengan sangat keras. "Pemberkatan nikah akan dilaksanakan di.." I didn't expect to see that, at all. Facebook, lucifer's friend. ~ fin ~

Anyway, that's a sad story man...the one that got away. I hope you regret not making more move on her. Lesson learned.

om, kalo aku ngucapin terima kasih ke pembimbing dosen skripsi aku itu gapapa kan? gak kesannya SKSD ato gimana? soalnya aku udah abis ujian trus ga ketemu dosen ini lagi... galau

GAK APA2, malah bagus! Gw juga ngasih tanda terimakasih kepada dosbing sesudah lulus. It's a nice thank you gesture.
Justru jangan mentang2 udah lulus terus langsung lupa sama guru dan dosen yang sudah membantumu.

Hi Om. I don't know why I keep coming back and telling you this, but I was the one who told you about my boyf diagnosed with cancer a week ago. He passed away today. Anyway, thank you for your kind answer! :)

I'm so sorry to hear that :(. May he rest in peace now.
Also apologize if I ever missed your question. There are 7,000 unanswered questions on my account now. :(

om... what type of personality do you think you have; melancholic, plegmasm, choleric or sanguine??? and why????

Dita LaRose
Saya dominan Melancholic tapi sekundernya Choleric.
Harap diingat sistem temperamen ini sangat crude dan kayaknya belom diuji validitasnya. Sistem MBTI (saya INTJ) yang sudah lama diteliti saja masih banyak kritikannya saat ini.
So always take "personality test" with caution and grain of salt. Or bucketful of salt.

om tiap mau tidur aku baca ask.fm om. lama2 suami ikutan kebiasaanku ini. jd tiap mau tidur malam setelah pillow talk kami ketawa ketiwi, kadang manggut2, sambil liat gadget. thanks ya om!

Bagus. Tapi jangan keasikan baca ask.fm sampe lupa berhubungan pasutri yaaaa. :p

Hi Om, saya cewe currently 23, been single for a couple of years and I have this thought that if I can do everything by myself, why should I need a boyfriend. Beside I still have so many things I long to achieve so love life will just interrupt my goal. Do you think it's a sign of arrogancy?

No. You just haven't met the person who put butterflies in your stomach like dukun santet.
Wrong: "I need a boyfriend/girlfriend then I meet someone"
Right: "I meet someone THEN I realize I need a boyfriend/girlfriend"

(2)Apa yg begitu masih harus dihargai sebagai Ayah, om? And I don't buy that "kalo ga ada dia lo ga bakal ada" karena kalo jadi orang tua biologis mah semua orang bisa. Minta pendapat om dong ^^

Ada sesuatu yang keliru dengan statement "Kalo bukan karena dia elo gak ada".
We never asked to be born in the first place. Kita lahir sebagai "konsekuensi" dari keputusan dan perbuatan orangtua kita. Jadi kita tidak berhutang kepada mereka hanya karena kita "lahir". And frankly speaking, I'd say human existence is overrated.
Justru kebalikannya yang benar. Kalo berani2nya membawa kehidupan ke dunia atas perbuatan sendiri, HARUS TANGGUNGJAWAB membesarkan dan memelihara dia sampai usia dia mandiri. Jangan seenaknya bikin anak terus gak mau finish the job. Si anak gak minta dilahirkan ke dunia ini, terus dicampakkan begitu aja menurut gw sih irresponsible.
You are an adult now. You still need to respect your father as another adult. But if I were you, I wouldn't feel like I owed him anything. But this is me.

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I've heard two very opposing opinions about love: "When you know, you just know" and "You never really know, but you go with the flow and hope for the best anyway". Which one do you believe in? (Or, if neither, please explain.) Thanks, and have a great day!

I've said this so many times before here: in life, do not easily fall to extremes. The reality is often in between.
In romance, you need to feel "I think THIS is the one!" Love will be so dull and cold without the feeling. But remember that this feeling could be so INACCURATE. Poor judgment, mix of lust, inexperience - all can make your "this is the one" very wrong.
So you need to listen to your feeling, but accept some risk that it could be wrong. That's why you still need to explore and discover the other person more. People who rush to marriage soon after 'falling in love' run very high risk. Once lust and infatuation wears off they might regret "Damn, this is NOT the one..."

hai om, what do you think about this article? www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2593598/Researchers-claims-tell-intelligent-man-just-LOOKING-dont-know-doesnt-work-women.html. thank you.

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. So men's intelligence can be judged by the face (but not women's)
Hopefully this study can be replicated to strengthen its validity. Also, does the result hold true to Asian men, or any other ethnicities?
Untuk para mahasiswa tingkat akhir Psikologi, coba eksperimen ini diulang di Indonesia. Menarik. :)

Om, gimana characteristic by blood type? Do you regard that as bs as well?

My position at the moment is VERY skeptical.
But remember that the scientific mind is not dogmatic. If new evidence shows it as being true, I could change my position.
Liked by: Nadya

Eye of The Tiger by Survivor atau YMCA by Village People untuk mengiringi perjalanan pulang ke rumah di malam hari?

Eye of The Tiger untuk pagi hari. Sambil jogging naik tangga Candi Borobudur.
Liked by: nabell Rahmi Yuli

Oom pir, oom vipey bisa dikategorikan aromantic gk sih?

He is such a lovey dovey lover! He loves romantic dinner, cuddling, intelligent talks, and anything that follows afterwards.
Liked by: Aisyah dek rara Kyooo

om piriing. aku MTA nih udah mau skripsi. topik skripsi ditembak dosen dan udh ditembak jg utk ke jepang ikut proyek dosen (topiknya sm ky topik skripsi) selama 2th setelah lulus. aku sih mau, mama juga mendukung dan nyuruh sekalian ambil S2 disana, tapi papa ga ngijinin aku jauh lama2. gmn ya om?

Suruh mama cari papa baru.
Kamu kuliah dibiayai siapa? Sponsor punya hak menentukan, suka gak suka. Kecuali kamu beasiswa. Itupun kamu sebaiknya direstui mama dan papa. Atau papa baru.

om, could someone be an aromantic?

Bisa lah, kalo mandi rempah2 gitu, dia bisa jadi aromatic. Kan wangi ya? Pengantin Jawa sudah biasa diberi perawatan aromatic...
(eh bukan itu ya?)
Aromantic? Hmmm, gak tahu ya. I've met few people who are not excited about love and romance. Mungkin bukan total gak butuh, tapi buat mereka hal itu tidak sepenting bagi orang2 yg lain? I don't know, really...

om henry percaya kepribadian berdasar tulisan tangan ngga?

Posisi gw tentang graphology adalah bahwa itu bukan science, tapi "pseudoscience". Jadi kebenarannya sangat diragukan, efektivitasnya tidak terbukti secara ilmiah, dan tidak ada basis yang kuat untuk percaya pada "analisa"nya.
Ini beberapa artikel yg menjelaskan mengapa graphology ditolak oleh sebagai "science".

Hi om.. As a TFIOS fan, I'd like to counter your statement. The understanding and acceptance that death is unavoidable were so sincere IMO.. They tried to bring the best out of the worst. I think TFIOS can give courage to people with terminal diseases. (no longer 22, so can't enter D2H anyway)

Septiani Tjitasura
Hi Septiani, thanks for the opinion :)
I agree with the message. I just thought the same message could be delivered in a less cheesy and tacky way. "Decoding Annie Parker" is also about cancer and spirit of survival. It is based on true story, AND explains how we finally discovered the hereditary nature of breast cancer. And it's not cheesy at all. It's very inspiring, in fact.
I recommend this movie for cancer survival and courage story.
Hi om As a TFIOS fan Id like to counter your statement The understanding and

om piir. pernah ambil IELTS? gue degdegan banget ngadepin speaking test sama seorang native. takut bolot dan gugup, trus jawaban yg keluar ga se-oke apa yg gue pikirkan. gue cukup well-prepared tp kok tetep nervous yaa. tapiii demi syarat beasiswa :s

Udah santai aja. Puter DVD favorit, nyalain subtitle Inggris, terus dibacain semua teks yang keluar. Buat ngelemesin lidah. :)


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